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LPT_Switch Eng for Windows 7 - LPT_Switch Eng: Control peripherals. - Windows 7 Download

LPT_Switch Eng Windows 7

LPT_Switch Eng 2.5

"LPT_Switch Eng: Automate hardware control with ease. Boost productivity now!"

Looking for a reliable software solution to help you manage your parallel ports? Look no further than LPT_Switch Eng from the trusted developer CountersLab.

With a user-friendly interface and powerful functionality, this software allows you to easily control devices connected to your computer's parallel port. Whether you're looking to manage printers, scanners, or other hardware, LPT_Switch Eng has you covered.

So why wait? Download LPT_Switch Eng today and experience the power and flexibility of this innovative software for yourself!

LPT_Switch Eng 2.5 full details

File Size: 1011 kB
License: Free To Try
Price: $20.00
Released: 2019-11-17
Downloads: Total: 116 | This Month: 7
Publisher: CountersLab
Publisher URL:

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LPT_Switch EngOtherWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows XP

User Rating: 0 (0 votes)

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LPT_Switch Eng 2.5 full description

The program using the LPT-port to selectively switch on/off up to 12 electrical devices. Devices can be managed by the following main ways: manually; using the five sensors (the number of their on/offs can be taken into account); the contents of two text files f1 and f2; timer (schedule); from any computer of the local network, if you have installed the application LPTS_Client; remotely using the phone keypad, if the computer where you installed the program LPT_Switch have a 'voice' modem. Also if there is no response to ping program can restart the devices connected to local area network. Possible operation logic controller - run control devices program, prepared by the user. Besides the ability to work from a prepared script - enable/disable devices and set playback wav-or mp3-files in real-time mixing (simultaneous playback) of different sounds. Hot keys to manage the devices. Software emulation of pressing keys on the keyboard, depending on the status of sensors.

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LPT_Switch Eng 2.5 Windows 7 release notes

Minor Update
The ability to turn on (off) devices is not done according to the first and only turn on (turn off) of the selected sensor, but according to a certain number of turn it on (off).
[ LPT_Switch Eng release history ]

LPT_Switch Eng 2.5 Windows 7 requirements

Pentium-200MMX or higher, 64 RAM, 800x600xHiColor

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