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Métamorphose2 File and Folder Renamer for Windows 7 - "Transform your files: Métamorphose2 Renamer" - Windows 7 Download

Métamorphose2 File and Folder Renamer Windows 7

Métamorphose2 File and Folder Renamer 0.8.2

Transform file names in a snap. Unique, versatile file renamer - free.

Looking for a powerful file and folder renaming tool for your Windows 7 computer? Look no further than Métamorphose2 by Ianaré Sévi. This easy-to-use software allows you to quickly and easily rename batches of files and folders with personalized naming conventions, making it a must-have tool for anyone who frequently works with large numbers of files. With its flexible renaming options and intuitive interface, Métamorphose2 is the ultimate tool for streamlining your file organization and management tasks. Download it today and see for yourself why it's trusted by countless Windows 7 users worldwide.

Métamorphose2 File and Folder Renamer 0.8.2 full details

File Size: 5.76 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2011-01-11
Downloads: Total: 337 | This Month: 9
Publisher: Ianaré Sévi
Publisher URL:

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Métamorphose2 File and Folder Renamer
Métamorphose2 File and Folder RenamerFile & Disk ManagementWin2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 x32, WinServer

User Rating: 2.0 (9 votes)

Métamorphose2 File and Folder Renamer - Windows 7 Download awards

Métamorphose2 File and Folder Renamer windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award

Métamorphose2 File and Folder Renamer 0.8.2 full description

Métamorphose is a batch renamer, a program to rename large sets of files and folders quickly and easily. With its extensive feature set, flexibility and powerful interface, Métamorphose is a profesional's tool. A must-have for those that need to rename many files and/or folders on a regular basis. In addition to general usage renaming, it is very useful for photo and music collections, webmasters, programmers, legal and clerical, etc. Main Features: * Renames files and folders at the same time. * Preview every item to be renamed before comiting changes. * Load all files in directory and in subdirectories (recursive renaming). * Undo renaming operation in case of mistakes. * Rename MP3 files according to their ID3 tags. * Save all program settings to file for later use! * Renaming operations: 1. Prefix 2. Suffix 3. Set file extension. 4. Replacement,modification,or move by: Character,position,or regular expression. 5. Insertion by: Position or every (number) characters. 6. Length modifications (padding,truncating,or both). * Renaming styles: combination of: user text,numbering,id3 tags,date,time. * Modifications: UPPERCASE,lowercase,Capitalize first,Title Style,sWAP cASE,'DoRkIfY' * Move by position,text,or regular expression. * Sequential numbering (enumerating) options: 1. Use integers,alphabetical,or roman numerals 2. Pad with any valid character to any width.(integers only) 3. Control step size,starting number,reset count. * Set date and time manually or get from system.

Métamorphose2 File and Folder Renamer 0.8.2 download tags

Métamorphose2 File and Folder Renamer 0.8.2 Windows 7 requirements

800 * 600 screen resolution

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