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Magnum Opus Crosswords++ for Windows 7 - "Revolutionize crossword puzzling with Magnum Opus Crosswords++!" - Windows 7 Download

Magnum Opus Crosswords++ Windows 7

Magnum Opus Crosswords++ 20140805

"Master crosswords with Magnum Opus Crosswords++ - the ultimate software for puzzle enthusiasts."

Introducing Magnum Opus Crosswords++, the ultimate software for crossword enthusiasts! Developed by AUS-PC-SOFT Shareware, this software lets you create, solve and print high-quality crosswords quickly and easily. With a user-friendly interface, a wide range of customizations, and an extensive library of clues and answers, Magnum Opus Crosswords++ is perfect for both beginners and experts. Whether you're looking to challenge your brain, relax, or have some fun, this software has got you covered. Try it now and experience the joy of creating and solving crosswords like never before!

Magnum Opus Crosswords++ 20140805 full details

File Size: 2.63 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2014-08-05
Downloads: Total: 580 | This Month: 16
Publisher: AUS-PC-SOFT Shareware
Publisher URL:

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Magnum Opus Crosswords++Puzzle & Word GamesJava, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

User Rating: 3.4 (23 votes)

Magnum Opus Crosswords++ - Windows 7 Download awards

Magnum Opus Crosswords++ windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award

Magnum Opus Crosswords++ 20140805 full description

Make and print your own crosswords and other word puzzles using your own words and clues. Other features include (1) Written in the popular Java programming language, so that it will run on Macintosh, Windows and Linux. (2) Supports the Unicode character set which enables puzzles to be created in any language you care to name. (3) Printing Arrow-word puzzles is a simple matter. These puzzles which are popular in many countries have the clues printed within the puzzle in the spaces normally occupied by the pattern cells. (4) Many other puzzle types can also be made solved and printed, including Acrostic, Akari, Domino, Doublet, Fillomino, Futoshiki, Gokigen, Kakuro, Kendoku, Minesweeper, Sikaku, Slitherlink, Sudoku, Wordsearch and a number of lesser known puzzle types. (5) Web Applications are also included in the program so that the puzzles can be published interactively on the Internet.

Magnum Opus Crosswords++ 20140805 download tags

Magnum Opus Crosswords++ 20140805 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Dictionary Maintenance now contains a dictionary download function. Thirty dictionaries are available for download from the Magnum Opus web server. The program takes care of all aspects of the download, and the dictionary is immediately available for use.
[ Magnum Opus Crosswords++ release history ]

Magnum Opus Crosswords++ 20140805 Windows 7 requirements

Ability to run Java Applications

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