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Mail Commander Home for Windows 7 - "Revolutionize Your Inbox: Mail Commander Home" - Windows 7 Download

Mail Commander Home Windows 7

Mail Commander Home 10.61

"Experience efficient email management with Mail Commander Home."

Introducing Mail Commander Home - the solution to all your email woes! Developed by InternetSoft Corporation, this innovative Windows 7 software is a must-have for anyone looking for a reliable email client with advanced features. With Mail Commander Home, you can read, write, and organize your emails with ease. Streamline your inbox with the robust filtering options, and share your files effortlessly with the built-in FTP client. Experience the true power of email management with Mail Commander Home. Download now and feel the difference.

Mail Commander Home 10.61 full details

File Size: 3.90 MB
License: Trialware
Price: $29.95
Released: 2010-12-06
Downloads: Total: 676 | This Month: 11
Publisher: InternetSoft Corporation
Publisher URL:

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Mail Commander HomeE-Mail ClientsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.3 (16 votes)

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Mail Commander Home 10.61 full description

Mail Commander Home is a complex, but it's also very simple to use and you can easily customize the interface and layout to fit your messaging needs. Our email program is a portable e-mail client with user-friendly interface. You can set relative custom folders for attachments, email databases and run program from removable storage device such as a USB flash drive.

Sending and receiving emails in national coding/charsets. Program supports SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, user authentifications and secure connections (ssl/tls) for gmail and other email systems.
Grouped views allow you poweful extended views of the mail in your folders, including presenting message threads. Sort your mail by date, size, sender, subject, colour or thread, in ascending or descending order.

Download only e-mail headers (Subject and From fields, etc) - plus options to re-download or delete selected messages from the server.
Redownload selected messages
Delete selected messages from server
Skip messages over some message size
Use message Queueing & Scheduler

· Plain text and html message editor
· Create multi-part html messages with embedded images using program's powerful html message editor with full formatting capabilities. You can also disable remote images, scripts or other nasties. It protects you from even the worst HTML-borne virus and trojans, and protects your privacy by intercepting web bugs. Decode and encode messages with various charsets. Return Receipt feature - the program supports confirmation of reading and confirmation of delivery requests and provides antispam message headersanalyzer.

· Spelling checker
· Program automatically highlights the misspelled words in your message by spelling checker supporting different dictionaries, completes the recipient name you are typing using information.

· Message templates
· The program supports unlimited number of template topics. You can use custom templates for new, reply, forward, confirmation messages. Message templates can be individual for any account.

· Signatures
· Easily select and insert signature using advanced panel. The verison supports custom signatures for different mail profiles.

· Unlimited e-mail accounts
· If you have several external mailboxes at different ISPs you won't need to enter a new password and adjust the settings every time. All you do is choose the connection profile through which you want to exchange messages. You can also create different mailboxes for different messages within the program. For example, you might use one personality (email address name) for friends and family and another personality for business correspondence.

· Message filtering
· Automatic filtering of incoming messages based on preset criteria and their placement in individual mailboxes. For example, you can have messages automatically placed in folders or mailboxes to be viewed at a later time. Advanced filters can be applied to any field of a message header or in the body of messages.
· Change message statuses, color and other advanced options. Assign colors to sort your mail either manually or automatically using filters. You simply set up a rule set and if an incoming mail meets it, Mail Commander automatically replies. You can also set up rules to file and filter incoming mail to block out the irritation of spam.

· Fast, Powerful Search
· Message searches based on key words. Search through thousands of messages in seconds, using multiple search criteria.

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Mail Commander Home 10.61 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
· New interface
[ Mail Commander Home release history ]

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