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Makhaon Worklist Server for Windows 7 - Revolutionize Medical Imaging Workflow - Windows 7 Download

Makhaon Worklist Server Windows 7

Makhaon Worklist Server 3.2.42

Efficiently manage diagnostic images on your network with Makhaon Worklist Server.

Welcome to the world of Makhaon Worklist Server - a software developed by the experts at Makhaon Software. Designed especially for healthcare providers, this software simplifies the management of patient information, provides timely updates, and guarantees secure access to sensitive data. Its user-friendly interface and efficient workflow ensure smooth operations for hospitals, clinics, and diagnostic centers. Experience the power of Makhaon Worklist Server and avail the benefits of this smart and reliable software.

Makhaon Worklist Server 3.2.42 full details

File Size: 24.81 MB
License: Demo
Price: FREE
Released: 2015-04-28
Downloads: Total: 291 | This Month: 13
Publisher: Makhaon Software
Publisher URL:

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Makhaon Worklist ServerScienceWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win2000, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista, Windo

User Rating: 2.6 (12 votes)

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Makhaon Worklist Server windows 7 compatible

Makhaon Worklist Server 3.2.42 full description

Makhaon Worklist server Software Package represents server software, which transfers the list of patients, scheduled for the study, into the device or set of devices. The program can inquire the list of patients from the Hospital Informational System of other producers. The list can be entered and updated manually. Besides such standard DICOM-fields as patient name, identification number, sex, date of birth, any other data concerning patients and study can be stored (for example, telephone number, place of employment, insurance policy information). Protects the integrity of the patients` data storage in the healthcare provider information system (HIS), as well as provides medical research planning and patients` data transfer to medical devices. Supports integration with HIS and RIS via HL7 protocol and OLE interface. Supports unlimited devices, studies and patients informations.

Makhaon Worklist Server 3.2.42 download tags

Makhaon Worklist Server 3.2.42 Windows 7 requirements

Pentium 500 Mhz. 256 Mb of memory. 500 Mb free disc space.

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