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Melanie Viewer for Windows 7 - "Unleash data analysis power!" - Melanie Viewer for Windows 7. - Windows 7 Download

Melanie Viewer Windows 7

Melanie Viewer 7.0.7

"Unleash powerful proteomic data analysis with Melanie Viewer- your ultimate research tool."

Looking for a reliable and user-friendly software for mass spectrometry data analysis? Check out Melanie Viewer from the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics! This powerful tool offers a comprehensive range of features for peptide and protein identification, quantification and validation. With intuitive navigation and customizable interfaces, Melanie Viewer is perfect for any researcher looking to streamline data analysis and boost productivity. Download now and take your research to the next level!

Melanie Viewer 7.0.7 full details

File Size: 37.80 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2010-10-05
Downloads: Total: 469 | This Month: 48
Publisher: Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
Publisher URL:

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Melanie ViewerCADWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 3.3 (16 votes)

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Melanie Viewer 7.0.7 full description

One of the aims of the SIB is to provide a wealth of useful tools to the international scientific community. The Melanie Viewer 7.0 is one of these tools. This Viewer is made available free of charge to help researchers visualize gels and related data obtained through the use of the full version of Melanie by colleagues. It can also be used to view annotated gels from databases such as SWISS-2DPAGE, or any other image files with an appropriate format (.tif, .gel, etc.).

The Viewer includes similar functionalities as the full versions of the software with the following limitations: Spots and matches cannot be created or edited. Gel images cannot be edited (rotated, cropped, or flipped). The Reports cannot be saved.

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