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MetaModel full changelog

MetaModel full changelog

MetaModel 4.6.0 released Feb 17, 2017 (New Release)
New features:
Clear interpretation of NULL:
We've made the interpretation of NULL consistent across MetaModel modules, in spite the fact that it is not consistent across all backing datastores. This means that now you can safely rely on MetaModel to adapt queries so that NULL values are always interpreted like they are in Java and most other programming languages. This also means that the SQL way of interpreting NULL is being handled by MetaModel, allowing you to not have to cross paradigms or port different queries to different datastores.
Simple update API:
To make it even easier to perform updates on MetaModel datastores, we've added a number of "simple update" classes that you can pass along directly to the executeUpdate method of an updateable DataContext.
new InsertInto(..)
new Update(..)
new DeleteFrom(..)
new CreateTable(..)
new DropTable(..)
MetaModel 3.4.4 released Mar 21, 2014 (New Release)
New features:
Clear interpretation of NULL:
We've made the interpretation of NULL consistent across MetaModel modules, in spite the fact that it is not consistent across all backing datastores. This means that now you can safely rely on MetaModel to adapt queries so that NULL values are always interpreted like they are in Java and most other programming languages. This also means that the SQL way of interpreting NULL is being handled by MetaModel, allowing you to not have to cross paradigms or port different queries to different datastores.
Simple update API:
To make it even easier to perform updates on MetaModel datastores, we've added a number of "simple update" classes that you can pass along directly to the executeUpdate method of an updateable DataContext.
new InsertInto(..)
new Update(..)
new DeleteFrom(..)
new CreateTable(..)
new DropTable(..)
MetaModel 1.7.1 released Jan 5, 2012 (New Release)
New features:
· Configuration of header (column name) line numbers
· Configuration of line and column skipping in Excel

Changes to the existing API:
· Removal of IDataContextStrategy interface and strategy pattern
· Apache POI upgraded to 3.7
· Option to disable graceful handling of CSV line inconsistencies
· DataSet extends Iterable

· Unnescesary opening of file streams in Excel support

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