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Mobile Atlas Creator for Windows 7 - Create maps for mobile. - Windows 7 Download

Mobile Atlas Creator Windows 7

Mobile Atlas Creator 2.2.1

"Transform your travels with Mobile Atlas Creator - the ultimate mapping software."

Introducing Mobile Atlas Creator, the ultimate map creator for Windows 7 users! Developed by Fredrik Moller, this software allows you to customize and create maps for your mobile devices. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily choose a map source and adjust its parameters. Make your travels easier by having your personalized maps on-the-go. Download Mobile Atlas Creator now and start exploring the world, your way!

Mobile Atlas Creator 2.2.1 full details

File Size: 15.00 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2021-06-02
Downloads: Total: 2691 | This Month: 35
Publisher: Fredrik Moller
Publisher URL:

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Mobile Atlas CreatorCADWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Linux

User Rating: 2.6 (33 votes)

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Mobile Atlas Creator 2.2.1 full description

Mobile Atlas Creator (formerly known as TrekBuddy Atlas Creator) is an open source (GPL) program which creates offline atlases for GPS handhelds and cell phone applications like TrekBuddy, AndNav and other Android and WindowsCE based applications.

For the full list of supported applications please see the features section. Additionally individual maps can be exported as one large PNG image with calibration MAP file for OziExplorer. As source for an offline atlas Mobile Atlas Creator can use a large number of different online maps such as OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yahoo Maps and other online map providers.


Create offline atlases for a large number of different (mobile) applications and GPS handhelds:
AFTrack (Symbian)
AlpineQuest (Android)
AndNav (Android)
BackCountry Navigator (Android)
Big Planet Tracks SQLite format (Android)
CacheBox (Windows Mobile)
Garmin Custom Map - KMZ (GPS handhelds)
Glopus (Pocket PC)
Google Earth
GPS Sport Tracker
Magellan RMP (GPS handhelds) & VantagePoint
Maplorer (Windows CE/Windows Mobile)
Maverick (Android)
Mobile Trail Explorer (J2ME) - single tiles and MTECache file
NaviComputer (Windows Mobile)
nfComPass (WinCE, WinMobile, WinXP)
OruxMaps (Android)
Osmdroid (Android)
OSMtracker (Windows Mobile/Pocket PC)
OziExplorer (single 24bit PNG image with calibration (MAP) file
PathAway (Windows Mobile)
RMaps SQLite (Android)
[Nokia] Sports Tracker
Touratech QV (Windows software, commercial)
TrekBuddy (J2ME, Android)
and others
Prepare atlases consisting of multiple layers, different map sources map resolutions (zoom levels)...
Save and load your favorite atlas compilation as profile to/from file
Merge different layers using Drag & Drop
Create map tiles using custom size and image format (PNG/JPG)
Fast download of map tiles using simultaneous multithreaded download (number of threads configurable)
Downloaded tiles are cached locally - avoids multiple downloads of same map tiles
Download only updated tiles - use locally cached tiles otherwise
Full support for network connections via HTTP proxy

Mobile Atlas Creator 2.2.1 download tags

Mobile Atlas Creator 2.2.1 Windows 7 requirements

Java 8 or higher

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