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Money Manager Ex x64 for Windows 7 - "Revolutionize Your Finances" - Money Management Tool for Windows 7 x64 - Windows 7 Download

Money Manager Ex x64 Windows 7

Money Manager Ex x64 1.8.0

Organize your finances easily with this powerful x64 software.

Introducing the ultimate financial management software for Windows 7 x64 - Money Manager Ex. Developed by the talented team at Money Manager EX, this software has everything you need to keep track of your money. With its intuitive user interface and powerful features, managing your budget has never been easier. Say goodbye to messy spreadsheets and hello to simplified financial planning. Download Money Manager Ex today and take control of your finances!

Money Manager Ex x64 1.8.0 full details

File Size: 11.40 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2024-04-29
Downloads: Total: 805 | This Month: 11
Publisher: Money Manager EX
Publisher URL:

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Money Manager Ex x64Personal FinanceWindows Vista x64, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 2.3 (27 votes)

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Money Manager Ex x64 1.8.0 full description

Money Manager Ex x64 is a free, open-source, cross-platform, easy-to-use personal finance software. It primarily helps organize one's finances and keeps track of where, when and how the money goes. It is also a great tool to get a bird's eye view of your financial worth.

Money Manager x64 includes all the basic features that 90% of users would want to see in a personal finance application. The design goals are to concentrate on simplicity and user-friendliness - something one can use everyday.

Money Manager Ex x64 runs on Windows and Linux and Mac OSX.

Manage Multiple Accounts

* Create and maintain an electronic checkbook - Checking, Savings, Credit Card or Loans, Stock Investment Accounts, Assets

Checking, Savings, Credit Card or Loan Accounts

* Manage income and expense transactions within these accounts
* Create your own categories and organize these transactions to track where your money comes or goes.
* Manage money transfers between accounts
* Mark transactions as reconciled, unreconciled or void to track them against your bank statements
* Manage Payees

Stock/Bonds/Mutual Fund Accounts

* Track your shares, bonds and related investments
* Track the gain/loss for each investment
* Update current share price

General Account Features

* Ability to handle multiple currency across accounts
* Internationalization of currency formatting
* Unicode support for all data storage
* Track closed Accounts
* Setup accounts as favorite accounts
* Track your Bills and Deposits- Create bills & deposits to be reminded of your upcoming bills and deposits so you never miss a payment or deposit
* Account Summary Views and Navigation- An easy to use tree view navigator to navigate across accounts and summarized views of your accounts, upcoming bills & deposits and income vs. expenses
* Budgeting- Setup budgets for a calendar year and see how you are doing over time.
* Importing, Exporting and Printing- Ability to import, export and print your account information


* Import information from Excel in CSV format
* Import information from QIF format (Microsoft Money & Quicken)


* Export information from any account to Excel (Comma Separated Value -.CSV) format


* Printing of reports/accounts with inbuilt print preview.


View your spending/expenses in a wide variety of ways.

* View spending by category over a date range for specific or all accounts
* View spending on a single category over time
* View income vs expenses
* View spending by payee
* View expenses and how you are doing on a budget.

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Money Manager Ex x64 is a free, open-source, cross-platform, easy-to-use personal finance ... keeps track of where, when and how the money goes. It is also a great tool to ...
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