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MoneyWorks Cashbook for Windows 7 - "Streamline Finances with MoneyWorks." - Windows 7 Download

MoneyWorks Cashbook Windows 7

MoneyWorks Cashbook 9.1.9

"Streamline your finances with MoneyWorks Cashbook - intuitive accounting software."

Looking for a reliable and user-friendly accounting software? Look no further than MoneyWorks Cashbook, developed by Cognito Software Ltd. This powerful yet intuitive software offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to streamline your financial operations, from managing transactions and invoicing to tracking expenses and generating reports. Whether you're a small business owner, freelancer or individual looking to manage your finances with ease, MoneyWorks Cashbook is the perfect solution. Try it today and experience the benefits firsthand.

MoneyWorks Cashbook 9.1.9 full details

File Size: 11.90 MB
License: Trialware
Price: FREE
Released: 2024-09-18
Downloads: Total: 451 | This Month: 9
Publisher: Cognito Software Ltd
Publisher URL:

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MoneyWorks CashbookOtherWindows 11, Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows 10 32/64 bit, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8 32/64 bit, Windows 7 32/64 bit

User Rating: 3.3 (21 votes)

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MoneyWorks Cashbook 9.1.9 full description

Easy to use, flexible, and a powerful information system that won’t restrict you as your business grows in size. Many software companies make these types of statements, but when you use the products your experience can be quite different. With MoneyWorks, there are clear examples (and customer testimonials) that back up these claims. But what else should you look for?

Some systems allow you to make changes to data that should be regarded as final, with no audit trail. Ask any good accountant and they will tell you that this is a recipe for trouble. MoneyWorks protects the integrity of your data and provides concrete audit trails. No other system does better accounting!

You need your accounting system to fit in with your business processes, not the other way around.
MoneyWorks is designed for maximum flexibility and interoperability. The key is that you can structure your accounts to match the structure of your business, and if the comprehensive included reports and powerful subsummary features are still not enough, the MoneyWorks Gold report writer makes it possible to create the exact reports you need.

This is an important consideration, because there is a lot of really slow and capacity-limited accounting software on the market. You need software that won't bog down.
MoneyWorks is fast. In our testing we've found the differences in speed and productivity to be phenomenal.

Over time, the initial purchase price of any system will be insignificant compared to the cost of keeping the software current, staff training, staff time that might be wasted using an inefficient system, or the cost of ongoing rental if you do not buy a system outright. Not to mention the cost of having to change systems if you run into the limitations of an insufficiently capable system. So choose wisely, and look beyond the sticker price on the box.
We have designed MoneyWorks to have low overall running costs. This is achieved through:
No company limits—Many systems will charge you extra to create additional company files, or you may not be able to do it at all
Comprehensive documentation—facilitates staff self-training.
Not tying accounting software to payroll—upgrading accounting software to keep up with payroll rules should not be necessary. So you won't get stung for an annual upgrade that you don't really need.
A fully-compatible works-alike product line. No expensive retraining if you need to upgrade.
Cross-platform support—no repurchase if you change platforms in the future.
Effective user interface—helps users get the job done quickly.
Performance—Fast, efficient software means staff time is not wasted.

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MoneyWorks Cashbook 9.1.9 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Support for OAUTH2 authentication for Microsoft 365 mail servers
Budget and moving average overlay options for the dashboard Ledger chart
Sales Explorer Dashboard chart; explore top sales with cross-filtering
Columnar departmental P&L reports
Ledger analysis omission of zero lines now respects budgets
Ledger analysis auto zero omission supports include unposted
Fixed saving of new Ledger analysis reports
Optimised list searches in custom forms
Windows updates now run in silent mode instead of presenting an installer UI. This because Windows insists on putting the installer in the background, which makes the update process a bit confusing
Reinstated ability to use Replace on salesperson field for journals
Bill-of-materials report now supports BOM depth > 4
Custom Forms designer list options editor; fixed inability to change from calculated row count mode once selected
Account importer no longer uppercases Category2-4
Hot links in custom navigator or report can now more reliably select a view name
Custom reports can now access the stickies table
Subsummary by group now looks up the group name for the description
Check transaction SecurityLevel when drilling down in detail list or account enquiry
Report editor now calculates appropriate scaled page width when first opening a report/li>
Report editor part and cell editors no longer display out of scope for loop idents/li>
Details printout for products now includes location/batch, if present
Improved parameter navigation (⌘-
[ MoneyWorks Cashbook release history ]

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