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Mouse Wheel Accelerator for Windows 7 - Accelerate Your Mouse Wheel in Windows 7! - Windows 7 Download

Mouse Wheel Accelerator Windows 7

Mouse Wheel Accelerator 1.4.8

Supercharge scrolling with a game-changing software.

Introducing Mouse Wheel Accelerator, a game-changing software developed by bYO Innovation Ltd exclusively for Windows 7. Say goodbye to slow scrolling on your mousewheel! With its customizable settings, this software allows you to adjust the speed and sensitivity of your mousewheel for a smoother and faster scrolling experience. Its innovative algorithm ensures precise and seamless scrolling, making browsing and editing easier and more efficient. Get the most out of your mousewheel with Mouse Wheel Accelerator – download now!

Mouse Wheel Accelerator 1.4.8 full details

File Size: 461 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2017-10-05
Downloads: Total: 1260 | This Month: 11
Publisher: bYO Innovation Ltd
Publisher URL:

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Mouse Wheel Accelerator
Mouse Wheel AcceleratorOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.8 (24 votes)

Mouse Wheel Accelerator - Windows 7 Download awards

Mouse Wheel Accelerator windows 7 compatible windows 7 download editor's pick

Mouse Wheel Accelerator 1.4.8 full description

MWA improves the wheel scroll in windows towards dynamic smooth iPhone-like scrolling. Getting the mouse wheel to accelerate intuitively still leaves the problem that some application do not support smooth line scroll while other do not handle well repetitive scrolling. This means that in spite of all the best intentions the final effect is not perfect… still it is an improvement!!!

When scrolling in application window the context menu will offer the relevant Options:

Disable – Disable MWA
Bypass in app [*] – ignore in application [*]
Bypass for wnd [*] – ignore for all windows of class [*]
Run on startup – run on login with normal user credentials. For administrator credentials use scheduled login task and leave unchecked.

Mouse Wheel Accelerator 1.4.8 download tags

Mouse Wheel Accelerator 1.4.8 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Fixed compatibility with windows apps.
[ Mouse Wheel Accelerator release history ]

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... and hold down the right (or the middle) mouse button anywhere in a window and move the ...
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