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Mozilla Sunbird Portable for Windows 7 - "Efficient Calendar Tool" - Windows 7 Download

Mozilla Sunbird Portable Windows 7

Mozilla Sunbird Portable 1.0b1 Rev 2

"Effortlessly manage your schedule with Mozilla Sunbird Portable, the ultimate calendar tool."

Introducing Mozilla Sunbird Portable: your free, open-source solution for managing calendars and events on the go. Developed by Portableapps, this software provides a user-friendly interface and is completely portable, meaning you can easily take it with you wherever you go. Never miss an important date or appointment again thanks to Mozilla Sunbird Portable. Download it now!

Mozilla Sunbird Portable 1.0b1 Rev 2 full details

File Size: 7.60 MB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2014-03-09
Downloads: Total: 1019 | This Month: 30
Publisher: Portableapps
Publisher URL:

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Mozilla Sunbird Portable
Mozilla Sunbird PortablePIMS & CalendarsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 2.9 (26 votes)

Mozilla Sunbird Portable - Windows 7 Download awards

Mozilla Sunbird Portable windows 7 compatible windows 7 download editor's pick

Mozilla Sunbird Portable 1.0b1 Rev 2 full description

your calendar in your pocket, without a PDA

Mozilla Sunbird™, Portable Edition is the handy Mozilla Sunbird calendar bundled with a Launcher as a portable app, so you can take your schedule and to-do list with you.

Sunbird is licensed under a MPL/GPL/LGPL triple license, allowing use of the files under the terms of any one of the Mozilla Public License, the GNU General Public License, or the GNU Lesser General Public License.


Sunbird Portable is a standalone calendaring and task management application built on the same technology as the Firefox web browser. It's easy to use and makes keeping your calendar and tasks up-to-date a breeze. Plus, it leaves no personal information behind on the machine you run it on, so you can take your schedule and to do lists with you wherever you go.

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