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Mp3Doctor for Windows 7 - Revolutionize Your Music with Mp3Doctor. - Windows 7 Download

Mp3Doctor Windows 7

Mp3Doctor 5.11.45

"Revitalize Your Music Files with Perfect Sound Quality - Mp3Doctor"

Looking to improve your music listening experience? Look no further than Mp3Doctor from Pro-Software! This Windows 7 software enhances the quality of your MP3s, allowing you to adjust volume, tempo, and more. With Mp3Doctor, you can even analyze and equalize your entire music library with just a few clicks. Say goodbye to frustrating volume imbalances and hello to a smooth, seamless listening experience. Try it out today!

Mp3Doctor 5.11.45 full details

File Size: 1.30 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $28.95
Released: 2014-07-15
Downloads: Total: 2209 | This Month: 13
Publisher: Pro-Software
Publisher URL:

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Mp3DoctorAudio Encoders/DecodersWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64

User Rating: 2.6 (14 votes)

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Mp3Doctor 5.11.45 full description

Terms such as "mp3 normalizer, mp3gain, volume boost, bass boost, and volume enhancer" have become popular in recent years. There are growing demands for software that can normalize, boost, and level, improve or repair the volume levels of MP3 files. Mp3Doctor PRO and our other products are focused on providing solutions to this need. Volume falls, low volume gains, volume ups and downs, silences, peaks, volume breaks and other similar situations will not be a problem anymore.

If you were looking for software that makes that all your mp3 files have the volume level as high as possible without any distortion, then Mp3Doctor PRO is the solution you are looking for.
If every time you play mp3 files, you have to manually adjust the volume gain of each song or at least some songs, then Mp3Doctor PRO is for you.
If you feel that when you play your collection of MP3 files, some songs sound "different" to the rest of the mp3 files, not only in volume gain, but in the "color", "texture" or "sound" in general, then Mp3Doctor PRO is for you.
If some of your mp3 files lacked "sound clarity", "boost or strength", "definition", "gain Volume", "bad quality" ... then Mp3Doctor PRO is for you.
If some of your mp3 files have passages with low gain in volume, sounds confusing, if it lacks the bass boost ... then Mp3Doctor PRO is for you.

The Mp3 files you've collected from various sources (Internet downloads, ripping vinyl long plays, music CDs, etc.) have many ups and downs in the volume level? Each time you start playing an mp3 file, you must adjust the volume slider, because some songs sound with a very low volume, while others started suddenly so loud and with a very high volume level?

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