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Msc-generator for Windows 7 - "Create Professional MSC Diagrams" - Msc-generator for Windows 7 - Windows 7 Download

Msc-generator Windows 7

Msc-generator 7.2

"Revolutionize system design with Msc-generator - the must-have tool for Windows 7."

Looking for a versatile and user-friendly message sequence chart (MSC) generator for Windows 7? Look no further than Msc-generator, developed by Zoltán Turányi. This software offers robust charting capabilities, customizable formatting options, and easy-to-use drag-and-drop functionality. Say goodbye to costly and complicated alternatives – try Msc-generator today and streamline your message sequence charting needs.

Msc-generator 7.2 full details

File Size: 25.40 MB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2022-03-01
Downloads: Total: 560 | This Month: 32
Publisher: Zoltán Turányi
Publisher URL:

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Msc-generatorOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.1 (15 votes)

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Msc-generator 7.2 full description

Msc-generator is an easy to use, simple tool designed to enable you to draw Message Sequence Charts for telecommunication applications from textual description.

Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) are a way of representing entities and message interactions over some time period and are often used in combination with SDL.

MSCs are popular in telecom an data networks and standards to specify how protocols operate. MSCs need not be complicated to create or use. Msc-generator aims to provide a simple text language that is clear to create, edit and understand, and which can be transformed into images.


A rich signalling chart syntax to describe arrows, boxes, comments and more.
A superset of graphviz to describe graphs.
A large set of fully customizable visual attributes - or just use pre-defined styles.
Export in PNG, PDF, SVG, EMF and EPS formats.
Full OLE support on Windows - embed charts into PowerPoint or Word documents and double click to edit.
Updated ribbon-based Windows user interface, tracking mode, full screen and print support.
Built-in editor on Windows with color syntax highlighting, smart-ident, auto-suggest and auto-complete.
Support for command line operation on Windows, Linux and MacOS.

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