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MSU Brightness Flicking Measure Plugin for Windows 7 - Measure Brightness Flicking in Win7 - Windows 7 Download

MSU Brightness Flicking Measure Plugin Windows 7

MSU Brightness Flicking Measure Plugin 1.1

MSU Brightness Flicking Measure Plugin: Analyze video brightness & flicker effortlessly.

Are you tired of inconsistent brightness levels in your videos? Look no further than MSU Brightness Flicking Measure Plugin, developed by Graphics and Media Lab. Video Group. This plugin provides accurate measurements of brightness fluctuations in your video footage, allowing you to easily detect and correct any problems. Simple to install and use, this plugin is a must-have for any video editor serious about producing high-quality content. Don't settle for less - download MSU Brightness Flicking Measure Plugin today.

MSU Brightness Flicking Measure Plugin 1.1 full details

File Size: 53 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2009-11-25
Downloads: Total: 431 | This Month: 7
Publisher: Graphics and Media Lab. Video Group.
Publisher URL:

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MSU Brightness Flicking Measure PluginVideo ToolsWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows Vista, Windows XP

User Rating: 2.6 (18 votes)

MSU Brightness Flicking Measure Plugin - Windows 7 Download awards

MSU Brightness Flicking Measure Plugin windows 7 compatible

MSU Brightness Flicking Measure Plugin 1.1 full description

Looking to measure and improve your video's brightness levels? Look no further than "MSU Brightness Flicking Measure Plugin" from Graphics and Media Lab. Video Group. This innovative software is specially designed for Windows 7 users, allowing you to measure and analyze the brightness flicker in your videos with ease. Whether you're a video professional or just dabbling in the art of video editing, this plugin is a must-have. Don't let brightness flicker ruin your video's quality - download "MSU Brightness Flicking Measure Plugin" today.

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MSU Brightness Flicking Measure Plugin 1.1 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Visualization bug fixed
[ MSU Brightness Flicking Measure Plugin release history ]

MSU Brightness Flicking Measure Plugin 1.1 Windows 7 requirements

MSU Video Quality Measurement Tool installed

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