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Multi-level World Map (Complete set #2) for Windows 7 - Discover Multi-Level World Map #2. - Windows 7 Download

Multi-level World Map (Complete set #2) Windows 7

Multi-level World Map (Complete set #2) 1.0

Explore the world with Multi-Level World Map #2. Detailed maps for your every need.

Looking for a powerful multi-level world map software for your Windows 7 system? Look no further than Inc.'s "Multi-level World Map (Complete Set #2)"! This comprehensive software allows users to access a range of detailed maps, using intuitive zoom and pan features to navigate across borders and explore the world. With detailed political information included, this software is perfect for educators, business professionals, and travelers alike. Download Multi-level World Map today and experience the world from a whole new perspective!

Multi-level World Map (Complete set #2) 1.0 full details

File Size: 686 kB
License: Demo
Price: $299.00
Released: 2009-05-26
Downloads: Total: 500 | This Month: 17
Publisher: Inc.
Publisher URL:

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Multi-level World Map (Complete set #2)Flash ToolsWindows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista x6

User Rating: 2.6 (16 votes)

Multi-level World Map (Complete set #2) - Windows 7 Download awards

Multi-level World Map (Complete set #2) windows 7 compatible

Multi-level World Map (Complete set #2) 1.0 full description

Multi-level drill-down interactive map of World for websites and web developers. Easy adjustment. Complete set includes all continents. Variants of using a map locator: - Real-Estate websites - Quick access to contact organization data, having affiliated network With this fully-clickable map you will be able to improve navigation and provide visitors with a better and faster means of accessing information, as well as improve the way you present the information. The map can be used "as is" however it is also easily customizable. In just a few minutes you can change the whole look of the map - whether it is color, captions or links. Features: - Driven by XML interface; - Color, URL linking, captions and more. And you can do all these; - Intuitive Flash Map Interface; - Ease of Use; - Customizations via an XML file, no Flash source modifications required; - Any settings can be done using external XML file, it allows integrating flash map into any application and dinamically modify information on map easy and fast; - Compatible with virtually all scripting languages (ASP, PHP, ColdFusion, Perl, etc.); - Use any language you like to create XML Source and pass it to a Flash object, or simply use an XML file from your server;

Multi-level World Map (Complete set #2) 1.0 download tags

Multi-level World Map (Complete set #2) 1.0 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Wysiwyg editor for addition of cities. Very convenient addition of cities, does not demand editing a xml-code
[ Multi-level World Map (Complete set #2) release history ]

Multi-level World Map (Complete set #2) 1.0 Windows 7 requirements

Cel 1400

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