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MurGeeMon for Windows 7 - "Streamlined monitor management software: MurGeeMon" - Windows 7 Download

MurGeeMon Windows 7

MurGeeMon 5.1

"Maximize productivity with MurGeeMon, the ultimate Windows 7 multi-monitor software."

Introducing MurGeeMon, the ultimate software for multi-monitor setups! Developed by Daanav Softwares, this innovative program provides complete control over your multiple displays. With features like customizable hot-keys, adjustable resolution settings, and the ability to switch between monitors with ease, MurGeeMon makes multitasking effortless. You can even set up automated actions based on monitor events. Say goodbye to the hassle of juggling multiple windows and hello to streamlined productivity. Download MurGeeMon today and give your multi-monitor setup the power it deserves!

MurGeeMon 5.1 full details

File Size: 4.88 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $9.99
Released: 2021-01-11
Downloads: Total: 1076 | This Month: 4
Publisher: Daanav Softwares
Publisher URL:

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MurGeeMonSystem MaintenanceWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 2.6 (24 votes)

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MurGeeMon 5.1 full description

Introducing MurGeeMon: the ultimate Windows 7 software for multi-monitor systems! Developed by Daanav Softwares, this powerful tool simplifies the process of managing multiple monitors with its intuitive interface and plethora of customizable options. With MurGeeMon, you can easily adjust screen resolutions, monitor orientation, and even switch between different monitor configurations with a single click. Plus, its built-in scheduler feature allows you to automate monitor settings and save time. Whether you're a gamer, designer, or simply looking to improve your productivity, MurGeeMon is a must-have software for your Windows 7 system. Download it today and see the difference for yourself!

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MurGeeMon 5.1 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Dual Monitor Screen Saver Added, Bug Fixes and other new features added.
[ MurGeeMon release history ]

MurGeeMon 5.1 Windows 7 requirements

XP Onwards

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MurGeeMon users' reviews

MurGeeMon 1.7 review by WushiGung (Mar 10, 2011)
I have 7 Ult 64-bit and this app freezes. Windows & crash mgr gives option to wait or close... waiting takes 3 to 5 minutes if lucky but also just crashes with no GUI. hen task mgr needs to kill the pid unless a reboot is performed.
I played with some features and the only one that I got to work was the screen saver module. I ran a different screen saver on each monitor. There was no timer function for the screen savers, but yes bubbles on 1 and ribbons on 2. Needs a lot of work and as it stands it will be removed.

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