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Music Tag Tool for Windows 7 - "Revamp your music library with Music Tag Tool." - Windows 7 Download

Music Tag Tool Windows 7

Music Tag Tool 2.11

"Revamp your music library with Music Tag Tool - the ultimate tagging solution!"

Looking for a tool that helps you keep your music library organized and up-to-date? Look no further than Music Tag Tool from Wide Angle Software Ltd. This easy-to-use software is packed with features to help you tag and sort your music files quickly and efficiently. With Music Tag Tool, you can easily add missing metadata such as album art, artist names, and track titles, and even fix incorrect tags. Whether you're a music lover, DJ, or just want a clean and organized music library, Music Tag Tool is an essential download for all Windows 7 users.

Music Tag Tool 2.11 full details

File Size: 6.60 MB
License: Demo
Price: $19.99
Released: 2020-09-08
Downloads: Total: 681 | This Month: 23
Publisher: Wide Angle Software Ltd.
Publisher URL:

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Music Tag ToolOtherWindows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 1.9 (25 votes)

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Music Tag Tool 2.11 full description

The easiest way to edit tags in your music files.

Do your music files contain incorrect or missing music tags such as Artist, Album, Track Number? Do your music files contain incorrect or no artwork ? Then you need, Music Tag Tool.

* Works with MP3, WMA, M4A and iTunes AAC audio files.
* Automatically download missing track information, Artwork.
* iTunes integration - just drag multiple audio files from iTunes and drop into Music Tag Tool for editing.
* Easily download music tags for multiple files.
* Allows manual editing of both tag data and Album Art.

If your MP3 files contain incorrect or no information - Music Tag Tool will download the Track Number, Track Count, Genre, Year and other missing or incorrect data and apply them directly to your MP3 files - at the click of a button!
This makes tagging your MP3 files super quick and super easy.

Music Tag Tool will find Album Art for your music on the web and save it into your MP3 file. You can then view this artwork when playing your music on your PC or on your Portable Music Player. If more than one Artwork is available for your music, Music Tag Editor, lets you choose which to use.

Usually, you would have more than one file to tag at a time. Music Tag Tool contains features that make it easy to work with several files. Music Tag Tool allows you to edit multiple files at once or download all missing artwork for all your music in one mouse click!

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Music Tag Tool 2.11 Windows 7 requirements

.NET Framework 4

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