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NCS WinVisible for Windows 7 - "Make Windows vanish with NCS WinVisible." - Windows 7 Download

NCS WinVisible Windows 7

NCS WinVisible

Boost productivity with NCS WinVisible - hide, minimize or close app windows on Windows 7 with ease.

Looking for a software tool that streamlines your desktop and makes it more organized? Look no further than NCS WinVisible - the latest offering from Neptune Century Studios. This reliable software allows you to easily hide or unhide icons, change display settings, and customize your desktop's appearance. Whether you're looking to maximize your productivity or simply improve your desktop aesthetics, NCS WinVisible is the perfect choice. Download it today and see for yourself!

NCS WinVisible full details

File Size: 502 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2014-01-07
Downloads: Total: 331 | This Month: 30
Publisher: Neptune Century Studios
Publisher URL:

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NCS WinVisibleOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.9 (17 votes)

NCS WinVisible - Windows 7 Download awards

NCS WinVisible windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award windows 7 download editor's pick

NCS WinVisible full description

NCS WinVisible is a utility that hides applications from your taskbar. Improve your privacy by selecting applications you wish to hide to a hotkey. When you press the hotkey, the application will become invisible. You can assign a seperate hotkey to bring the window back.

Hide applications with a hotkey
Show applications with a seperate hotkey
Kill applications with a hotkey. (WARNING: Unsaved work will be lost! Save your work!)
NCS WinVisible can hide itself when you press the hide hotkey
Choose what NCS WinVisible will do with hidden applications if you close NCS WinVisible.
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NCS WinVisible Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Added ability to hide processes when the screen saver is activated. This does not automatically show processes when the screen saver stops.

Fixed a bug where if you try to hide multiple processes, and if one of those failed to hide, any other process in the list after it would fail to hide as well.

General internal improvements
[ NCS WinVisible release history ]

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