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Nero BackItUp for Windows 7 - Secure Your Files with Nero BackItUp. - Windows 7 Download

Nero BackItUp Windows 7

Nero BackItUp 2024.26.5

"Protect, back up, and restore your data. With Nero BackItUp, secure your peace of mind."

Looking for a reliable and user-friendly backup solution for your Windows 7 PC? Look no further than Nero BackItUp from Nero AG. This powerful software offers a range of backup options, including full system backups and incremental backups, as well as scheduling and customization options to meet your specific needs. With easy-to-use interface and streamlined setup process, Nero BackItUp is the perfect choice for Windows 7 users who want top-notch data protection and recovery capabilities. Download it today and enjoy peace of mind knowing your important files and system settings are safe and secure.

Nero BackItUp 2024.26.5 full details

File Size: 152.35 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $55.95
Released: 2024-02-06
Downloads: Total: 100 | This Month: 12
Publisher: Nero AG
Publisher URL:

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Nero BackItUpBackup & RestoreWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 3.0 (3 votes)

Nero BackItUp - Windows 7 Download awards

Nero BackItUp windows 7 compatible

Nero BackItUp 2024.26.5 full description

Its the reliable PC backup you need, for the irreplaceable files you love. Use Nero BackItUp now to protect all the data on your digital devices: Have your files backed up automatically, e.g. to an external hard drive or WebDAV online storage. The backups can be encrypted and secured with a password. (1) Fully automate your backups Relax now, knowing your files are protected: Back up your files daily, weekly, monthly - or whenever you want! Just set a time and date. You can even set up continuous backup so that Nero BackItUp continuously protects new files as you update data. (2) Multiple Targets Back up your data locally to an additional hard drive or to an external USB drive; or store it in the NAS system - the choice is yours! In any case, our product will help you reliably back up your files twice. Now you can also run your backups using your cloud storage "OneDrive" and "Google Drive". Of course, data can also be restored online this way. This means that backups and restores with Nero BackItUp are now possible anywhere. (3) Version management Unlike other services that only save the most recent version of a file, Nero BackItUp even backs up older versions that you want to protect. When you change a file, all older versions are kept locally. So even if you delete your file or it gets corrupted, it's always recoverable! (4) Encryption & Compression You can rest assured that your files are stored securely thanks to hardware-accelerated AES 256-bit encryption. And with our smart compression algorithm, you can even save some space when you store your files on the USB hard drive.

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Nero BackItUp 2024.26.5 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Minor bug fixes.
[ Nero BackItUp release history ]

Nero BackItUp 2024.26.5 Windows 7 requirements

­2 GHz AMD or Intel processor, ­1 GB RAM, ­1 GB hard drive space, Internet Explorer 11 and higher

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