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Network Ferret Personal for Windows 7 - "Unleash Network Insights" - Windows 7 Download

Network Ferret Personal Windows 7

Network Ferret Personal 1.2

"Streamline your network with Network Ferret Personal: the ultimate tool."

Looking for a powerful network tool that can help you easily manage your internet traffic and increase your connection speed? Look no further than Network Ferret Personal, developed by Magic Box Software. This innovative software is designed to help you monitor and optimize your network performance, and features a user-friendly interface that makes it incredibly easy to use. With Network Ferret Personal, you can identify bottlenecks, reduce latency, and improve download speeds - all with just a few clicks of your mouse. So why wait? Download Network Ferret Personal today and experience the power of this cutting-edge network tool for yourself!

Network Ferret Personal 1.2 full details

File Size: 100 kB
License: Free To Try
Price: $9.99
Released: 2015-09-03
Downloads: Total: 249 | This Month: 8
Publisher: Magic Box Software
Publisher URL:

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Network Ferret PersonalNetwork MonitoringWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 1.8 (8 votes)

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Network Ferret Personal 1.2 full description

Network Ferret is built to peer into networks. Rather than focusing on complex user tweaks we focus on solid detection, connection and control of network devices keeping the under the hood details under the hood. This allows you to focus on the job and not the tools. Built on the principle of user driven development Network Ferret constantly evolves based on the needs of its users. This gives us the ability to rapidly grow with changing needs and technologies. Network Ferret gives you all of the standard network scanner features like host detection, share detection and network services detection with quick simplified connection to all of those as well. That's just the beginning. The pro version allows scanning of all networks connected to your PC at the same time, so if your network includes VM's on a host network or managing servers on a VPN you can see it all in one simplified display. The goal of our user driven development is to make the scanner do what YOU need it to do. All you have to do is ask. And the means to ask is baked into every part of the user interface. As an added benefit to early adopters that buy the 1.x version you will get the 2.x and 3.x versions free and your upgrade price will never increase beyond that. We currently have a full time developer working on Network Ferret so, combined with the user participation model, it is like having an IT developer on your staff as well. Give the free version a try. It is not time limited. Once you see the value of the product consider upgrading to the pro version during the 1.x version to lock in the opportunity. A complete roadmap for upcoming versions can be found on our product page. User suggested features will be added to the roadmap and the program at all times. As always Magic Box Software IT tools are built to empower the independent service provider to provide more value to customers at a price that makes cost irrelevant. Try Network Ferret and see why our customers keep coming back.

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Network Ferret Personal 1.2 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Added experimental support for device classification in the user interface.
[ Network Ferret Personal release history ]

Network Ferret Personal 1.2 Windows 7 requirements

Windows XP or later

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