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NeuralCode Neural Networks Trading for Windows 7 - "Revolutionize Trading with NeuralCode - Windows 7 Compatible" - Windows 7 Download

NeuralCode Neural Networks Trading Windows 7

NeuralCode Neural Networks Trading 1.0

Revolutionize your trading with NeuralCode, a powerful Windows 7 software for neural network analysis.

Introducing the NeuralCode Neural Networks Trading software - a revolutionary solution for traders seeking a competitive edge. Developed by the expert team at ConnectCode Pte Ltd, this innovative software utilizes neural networks to analyze market trends and make informed trading decisions. With a user-friendly interface and powerful features, NeuralCode enables traders of all levels to confidently navigate the complexities of the stock market. Upgrade your trading strategy today with NeuralCode!

NeuralCode Neural Networks Trading 1.0 full details

File Size: 535 kB
License: Commercial
Price: $129.00
Released: 2008-10-23
Downloads: Total: 359 | This Month: 6
Publisher: ConnectCode Pte Ltd
Publisher URL:

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NeuralCode Neural Networks TradingInvestment ToolsWindows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista

User Rating: 2.6 (19 votes)

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NeuralCode Neural Networks Trading windows 7 compatible

NeuralCode Neural Networks Trading 1.0 full description

NeuralCode is an industrial grade Artificial Neural Networks implementation for financial prediction. The software can take data like the Opening price, High, Low, Volume and other technical indicators for predicting or uncovering trends and patterns. It is designed to utilize Supervised Learning with Multi-Layer Perceptrons and Optimized Back Propagation for complex learning. In mathematical theory, under suitable conditions, the iterative procedure of adjusting the weights causes the networks to converge to a set of correct weights that can be useful for predicting complex (non linearly separable problems) trends and patterns. Thus NeuralCode is a very useful tool to be used together with financial Technical Indicators like moving average, true range, relative strength index , moving average convergence and divergence. The software is implemented entirely without external object libraries and thus will not require data to be passed out for processing. This results in extremely efficient and optimized processing. The development of the software is focused on accuracy and thus will ensure the global minimum is found instead of just a local minimum. After training, the prediction is almost instantaneous.

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NeuralCode Neural Networks Trading 1.0 Windows 7 release notes

NeuralCode Neural Networks Trading 1.0 Windows 7 requirements

Excel 2002/2003/XP/2007

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