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NFOpad Portable for Windows 7 - "NFOpad Portable: Essential Text Editor." - Windows 7 Download

NFOpad Portable Windows 7

NFOpad Portable 1.68

"NFOpad Portable: The Sleek and Efficient Text Editor for Windows 7"

Looking for a reliable NFO viewer and editor that won't take up much space on your Windows 7 machine? Look no further than NFOpad Portable, the lightweight and portable software from True Human Design. With its intuitive interface and support for a wide range of character encodings, NFOpad Portable is the perfect tool for viewing and editing NFO files on the go. And thanks to its small size and simple installation process, you can have it up and running in no time. Whether you're a seasoned NFO pro or just getting started, NFOpad Portable is a must-have tool for any Windows 7 user.

NFOpad Portable 1.68 full details

File Size: 1.42 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2014-02-01
Downloads: Total: 471 | This Month: 16
Publisher: True Human Design
Publisher URL:

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NFOpad Portable
NFOpad PortableOffice Suites & ToolsWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

User Rating: 3.0 (22 votes)

NFOpad Portable - Windows 7 Download awards

NFOpad Portable windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award windows 7 download editor's pick

NFOpad Portable 1.68 full description

NFOpad is a small, fast and flexible combined nfo viewer and text editor. It is a clone of Microsoft's Notepad but with extra settings, and support for nfo files. The file extension is used to determine whether to use an ANSI or ASCII font. NFOpad also fully supports Unicode.


- Hyperlink and e-mail detection
- Highly customizable (fonts, colors, app. settings)
- Built in ASCII-fonts for nfo files
- Portable
- Localized (Chinese, English, German, Hungarian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish)
- Unicode support
- Window auto width
- Recently opened files list
- Copy on select option
- Alpha blend support
- Shell integration
- Extension determines font
- Direct scrolling
- Printing
- Searching & replacing text
- Tab width setting
- Insert/overwrite mode
- Go to line
- Delete line
- Drag-n-drop
- Improved word selection on double click and on CTRL selecting
- Always on top option
- Close on ESC key
- Word wrap option
- MS Notepad's .LOG functionality


Program translations are made by users of the program. A big thank you goes out to the translators; Stefan S, Miguel Dias, Mauricio Cantún Caamal, Barnaba, tommili, Zilung, Klevest, 4Li, Bruno Leonardo and SzalayZ.

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