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NiceCopier x64 full changelog

NiceCopier x64 full changelog

NiceCopier x64 13.02.03 released Feb 12, 2014 (New Release)
[BUGFIX] copy window now wont turn blue when dragging wrong things on it
[BUGFIX] any file generated from nicecopier like task info is now saved in appdata, so no more permission issues
[BUGFIX] file size was again wrong for symlinks, QT still didn't fix it
[IMPROVMENT] network copy was sometimes slow.
[FEATURE] hidden command line: -hideicon, won't show taskbar icon and also no messages...
initial file list will be ordered alphabetically
NiceCopier x64 13.07.18 released Jul 23, 2013 (New Release)
· support for xp is back
· some internal changes in explorer hook dll and nicecopier
NiceCopier x64 12.07.18 released Jul 18, 2012 (New Release)
· verify file checksum after copy finishes, can be enabled/disabled in settings or in the expanded task window.
· Now file and folder attributes will be copied. -> so custom folder icons will be preserved too.
· the search functions in the file-tree is now a filter.
· NiceCopier can now be customized with a .css file, a simple example comes with the setup. Can be enabled in settings.
NiceCopier x64 12.03.17 released Mar 20, 2012 (New Release)
· Fixed a bug in QT, that prevented folder symlinks from being copied. that's because the returned size was wrong. -> -> remember though that it only copies the folder link file and not the folder and its content.
· the menu items in the copy context menu are now lowercase
NiceCopier x64 12.02.05 released Feb 9, 2012 (New Release)
· Added slider in expanded copy progress dialog to decrease copy speed
· Added radio buttons to easily switch between copy or move operation.
· Sometimes it wasn't possible to show the tasks again after hiding them.
· in the recent task dialog the tasks now contain the date and time when there were last executed.
· each recent task now shows the full list of files and folders to be copied/moved.
· The progressBar now contains a text indicating the percentage of the progress.
NiceCopier x64 11.09.25 released Sep 28, 2011 (New Release)
NiceCopier x64 11.08.03 released Mar 9, 2011 (New Release)

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