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NightVision for Windows 7 - NightVision: Enhance Your Vision! - Windows 7 Download

NightVision Windows 7

NightVision 1.03

Experience the NightVision effect with our top-rated software.

Introducing NightVision, an innovative image enhancement software designed by VanDerLee. With its advanced algorithms, NightVision enhances even the darkest photos, bringing out details that are usually hidden in the dark. The software is easy to use with a user-friendly interface, allowing users to adjust the level of enhancement to fit their preference. NightVision is a must-have tool for photographers and anyone who wants to enhance their photos. Get it now and see the difference it can make!

NightVision 1.03 full details

File Size: 471 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2006-02-23
Downloads: Total: 727 | This Month: 5
Publisher: VanDerLee
Publisher URL:

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NightVisionOtherWindows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista

User Rating: 2.9 (10 votes)

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NightVision 1.03 full description

NightVision is a plug-in for PhotoShop compatible plug-in hosts. It will work with applications such as PhotoShop, Paint Shop Pro, PhotoPaint, PhotoImpact and Picture Publisher amongst many others. Use the NightVision plug-in to create completely realistic army night-goggle type images complete with true over lighting, scaled noise, realistic feedback and anti-aliassed interlacing. Not only does NightVision provide a realistic looking effect, it can actually enhance and correct image intensity just like real night-vision hardware. Besides bringing you total realism, the NightVision plug-in will also you to do non-realistic effects such as the blue scan of a bird shown here on the left. Since any of the effects can be switched on and off, you can do a lot more than just enhance images. This image of a cowboy wearing a hat has been entirely created using NightVision, the source image was of normal color but by using a black scan color and enhancement, the over lighting feature took care of all lighting, creating a moody image. Adding noise and large feedback made it look just like a shot from a black/white surveillance camera. You can use the NightVision plug-in for post-processing your images and (3D) animations or just for any of the separate effects it contains, in particular the interlacing feature is by far the best quality interlacing you will ever encounter and the enhancement option will allow you to look at details previously hidden in dark images.

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NightVision 1.03 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
16-bit support and new user interface.
[ NightVision release history ]

NightVision 1.03 Windows 7 requirements

1MB of harddisk space

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