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Nokia Configuration Tool for Windows 7 - "Streamline Device Settings with Nokia's Tool" - Windows 7 Download

Nokia Configuration Tool Windows 7

Nokia Configuration Tool 6.3

Effortlessly configure your Nokia devices with this must-have tool.

Looking for a comprehensive tool to configure your Nokia devices? Look no further than Nokia Configuration Tool, the premier software solution from Nokia. Developed with ease-of-use in mind, this tool allows you to efficiently manage and customize your Nokia devices, including both mobile phones and mobile broadband devices. Featuring an intuitive interface, reliable functionality, and a wide range of configuration options, Nokia Configuration Tool is the perfect choice for any Nokia device user looking to optimize their experience. Download now and start exploring all that it has to offer!

Nokia Configuration Tool 6.3 full details

File Size: 43.50 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2012-01-05
Downloads: Total: 2371 | This Month: 9
Publisher: Nokia
Publisher URL:

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Nokia Configuration ToolTelephonyWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

User Rating: 2.2 (23 votes)

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Nokia Configuration Tool 6.3 full description

The Nokia Configuration Tool is a personal computer (PC) application that enables you to manage the settings of selected Nokia devices. Your PC and the devices must be connected through Nokia PC Suite and a Universal Serial Bus (USB) cable. The Nokia Configuration Tool uses SyncML Data Synchronization (DS) and Device Management (DM) protocols, which are defined by Open Mobile Alliance (OMA). Nokia Configuration Tool is a handy application that lets you easily configure your Nokia devices.

With the Nokia Configuration Tool, you can configure various settings, such as wireless LAN (if available), e-mail, and Internet access point (IAP) settings, on several devices at a time. You can also transfer files, contact cards, and applications.

The configuration is done by sending a configuration profile to a phone. A configuration profile is a group of settings, and you can create several different profiles for different purposes and different types of devices. The settings that are defined in a profile are configured to a device when you transfer the profile to it.

Nokia Configuration Tool 6.3 download tags

Nokia Configuration Tool 6.3 Windows 7 requirements

· NET Framework 2.0

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