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Number of Selected Items - Outlook 2007 for Windows 7 - Boost Your Outlook Productivity! - Windows 7 Download

Number of Selected Items - Outlook 2007 Windows 7

Number of Selected Items - Outlook 2007

Organize & Count Selected Outlook Emails Instantly - Must-Have Tool!

The Number of Selected Items - Outlook 2007 software, created by MuvEnum, is a must-have for any Outlook user. This freeware simplifies the tedious task of counting selected items in your mailbox, making it a time-saving essential. The user-friendly interface is intuitive and easy to navigate. Say goodbye to counting individual emails, and hello to more productivity. Download it now and give yourself the gift of time!

Number of Selected Items - Outlook 2007 full details

File Size: 723 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2008-06-25
Downloads: Total: 272 | This Month: 8
Publisher: MuvEnum
Publisher URL:

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Number of Selected Items - Outlook 2007Other E-Mail ToolsWindows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Tablet PC Edition 2005, Windows Media Center Edition 2005, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x6

User Rating: 3.1 (15 votes)

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Number of Selected Items - Outlook 2007 windows 7 compatible

Number of Selected Items - Outlook 2007 full description

As a Windows 7 user, you are always looking for ways to optimize your productivity and make your day-to-day work more efficient. That's where the "Number of Selected Items - Outlook 2007" software by MuvEnum comes in. This free and easy-to-use tool gives you an instant count of the number of emails, tasks, calendar events or contacts you have selected in your Outlook 2007 inbox.

With just a simple click, you can get an immediate update on the amount of selected items in your mailbox, which is particularly useful if you're dealing with large amounts of information. This powerful tool can save you a substantial amount of time and energy, making it a must-have download for any busy Windows 7 user.

MuvEnum has an outstanding reputation for creating user-friendly software that enhances everyday work processes – and the "Number of Selected Items - Outlook 2007" is no exception. This download will make it easier than ever before to manage your different emails, tasks, contacts and calendar events in one place without the need to manually count items.

So, if you're looking for a reliable and efficient tool to optimize your Outlook 2007 inbox, don't hesitate to download "Number of Selected Items" by MuvEnum – your Windows 7 experience will be instantly transformed.

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Number of Selected Items - Outlook 2007 Windows 7 requirements

.NET Framework 3.5

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