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Object Inspector for Windows 7 - Uncover Software Secrets with Object Inspector. - Windows 7 Download

Object Inspector Windows 7

Object Inspector 1.592

Unlock the secrets of your applications with Object Inspector.

Introducing the powerful Windows 7 software, Object Inspector by Greatis Software. With its user-friendly interface and advanced features, Object Inspector allows you to view and edit the properties and methods of any object in your Delphi/C++ Builder application. Save time troubleshooting code and streamline your programming process with Object Inspector. Download it now and experience the convenience and efficiency it brings to your software development.

Object Inspector 1.592 full details

File Size: 2.42 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2013-10-01
Downloads: Total: 466 | This Month: 12
Publisher: Greatis Software
Publisher URL:

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Object InspectorDelphiWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win2000, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista, W

User Rating: 2.5 (15 votes)

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Object Inspector 1.592 full description

Object Inspector is a component suite containing inspectors that allow you to change anything in your application at runtime. Object Inspector suite includes: TPropertyInterface component for easy access to any property or event of any component at runtime (the best object interface to the RTTI - Borland's RunTime Type Information) TCommonInspector abstract inspector control for inspecting anything in your application TComponentInspector customizable full-functional runtime object inspector control TComponentTree tree view style control for easy selection of components TComponentComboBox control for easy selection of components TDBInspector ready-to-use database inspector control TIniInspector ready-to-use ini-file inspector control TApplicationInspector ready-to-use inspector control for changing an Applications properties at runtime TSystemColorsInspector ready-to-use inspector control for changing Window colors Examples small and clean projects illustrating the features of the inspectors and TPropertyInterface Source codes full source code of all components and useful internal classes

Object Inspector 1.592 download tags

Object Inspector 1.592 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Compatibility with Delphi XE3
[ Object Inspector release history ]

Object Inspector 1.592 Windows 7 requirements

10MB of free space on hard drive

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