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Open Validator for Windows 7 - "Error-free browsing with Open Validator" - Windows 7 Download

Open Validator Windows 7

Open Validator 2.5.2

Get accurate web page validation with Open Validator.

Introducing "Open Validator", a cutting-edge software developed by Luis Andre Dutra e Silva. This software is perfect for anyone looking for a tool that can analyze and improve the quality of their web pages. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, "Open Validator" will help you identify and fix errors, ensuring that your web pages are always up to standard. Don't settle for anything less than the best. Try "Open Validator" today and take your web development to the next level!

Open Validator 2.5.2 full details

File Size: 21.35 MB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2011-04-27
Downloads: Total: 566 | This Month: 44
Publisher: Luis Andre Dutra e Silva
Publisher URL:

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Open ValidatorOtherWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

User Rating: 3.2 (26 votes)

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Open Validator 2.5.2 full description

Open Validator is a handy application designed to help you verify and correct many aspects of conformance of Web pages to International Standard ISO/IEC 23026-2006(E) IEEE Std. 2001 - 2002 - Software Engineering - Recommended Practice for the Internet


1) Verification of a single page or entire web site at your option;
2) HTML Validation against W3C DTDs and WHATWG (X)HTML5 pre-release schemas;
3) Automatic checking and correction of many aspects of conformance to international best practices;
4) Visualization of a snapshot with a given character encoding (the user agent is also chosen in order to present the specific version originally intended to be seen in a given web browser);
5) Complete verification of links.
6) Automatic correction of missing widths and heights of images to enable better responsiveness of web pages;
7) Automatic correction of missing meta tags elements like default language and metadata;
8) Support for web pages in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and many other languages.
9) Performance optimization for multi-core processors.
10) Validation during navigation.
11) Application of standards during revalidation.
12) Memory revalidation with no need to make all corrections of a web page at once (users may correct small portions of the code and see the results pressing F5).
13) HTML Tidy accessibility check.
14) Balloon tooltips for contextual help.
15) Recursive validation for frames.
16) Proxy support.
17) Integrated web inspector with javascript debugger.
18) Site map detection in 51 languages.
19) Exportation of reports to HTML
20) Bypass selected paths when using recursive options
21) Exportation of reports to ODF
22) Memorization of login in protected parts of sites
22) Command line tool for unassisted report generation

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