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Open3DQSAR x64 for Windows 7 - Open3DQSAR x64: Advanced Molecular Modeling. - Windows 7 Download

Open3DQSAR x64 Windows 7

Open3DQSAR x64 2.24

"Experience advanced computational chemistry with Open3DQSAR x64 for Windows 7."

Open3DQSAR x64 is a powerful software developed by Paolo Tosco that enables advanced modeling and analysis of chemical compounds. Featuring an intuitive interface, this cutting-edge tool offers a vast array of features, including multiple linear regression, artificial neural networks, and more. Perfect for scientists and researchers, this software sets a new standard for precision and efficiency in the field of theoretical chemistry. Download now and revolutionize your research today!

Open3DQSAR x64 2.24 full details

File Size: 1.20 MB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2013-06-20
Downloads: Total: 263 | This Month: 8
Publisher: Paolo Tosco
Publisher URL:

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Open3DQSAR x64CADWindows Vista x64, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8 x64

User Rating: 3.4 (11 votes)

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Open3DQSAR x64 2.24 full description

Open3DQSAR x64 is an open-source tool aimed at pharmacophore exploration by high-throughput chemometric analysis of molecular interaction fields (MIFs). Open3DQSAR can generate steric potential, electron density and MM/QM electrostatic potential fields; furthermore, it can import GRIDKONT binary files produced by GRID and CoMFA/CoMSIA fields (exported from SYBYL with the aid of a small SPL script).

Subsequently, Open3DQSAR x64 performs fast, automated PLS chemometric analysis of MIFs allowing to quickly generate and challenge the predictivity of many 3D-QSAR models using different training/test set combinations, superposition schemes, variable selection and data scrambling procedures, etc. High computational performance is attained through implementation of parallelized algorithms for MIF generation, PLS model building and validation, variable selection.


· Multi-threaded computation of MIFs (both MM and QM); support for MMFF94 and GAFF force-fields with automated assignment of atom types to the imported molecular structures
· Comprehensive output, including SDF molecular databases, 3D maps and many different plots to ease immediate evaluation of results in PyMOL, MOE, Maestro, SYBYL and gnuplot
· User-friendly interface to all major QM packages (e.g. GAUSSIAN, FIREFLY, GAMESS-US, MOLDEN) allows calculation of QM electron density and electrostatic potential 3D maps from within Open3DQSAR
· User-friendly interface to Molecular Discovery GRID to compute GRID MIFs from within Open3DQSAR

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Open3DQSAR x64 2.24 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
· A bug which caused abrupt program exit when PyMOL was closed while Open3DQSAR was still running was fixed
· Linking against libminizip is now optional
[ Open3DQSAR x64 release history ]

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