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OpenXava for Windows 7 - "Streamline Workflow with OpenXava" - Windows 7 Download

OpenXava Windows 7

OpenXava 6.6.2

"Revolutionize your coding with OpenXava – the ultimate Windows 7 software solution."

Looking for a powerful Java-based framework to build customized web applications? Look no further than OpenXava, the brainchild of renowned software developer Javier Paniza. With its user-friendly interface and modular design, OpenXava makes it easy to build robust applications with minimal coding. Whether you're looking to streamline your workflows, enhance your data management capabilities, or boost your bottom line, OpenXava is the ideal choice for Windows 7 users on the hunt for reliable and innovative software solutions. Don't wait – download OpenXava today and experience the future of web app development!

OpenXava 6.6.2 full details

File Size: 368.00 MB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2022-02-09
Downloads: Total: 820 | This Month: 38
Publisher: Javier Paniza
Publisher URL:

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OpenXavaOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.0 (43 votes)

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OpenXava 6.6.2 full description

OpenXava is a handy framework that will enable you to develop AJAX JavaEE / J2EE applications rapidly and easily. This framework allows you to define applications just with POJOs, JPA and Java 5 annotations, it is feature rich and flexible and it generates JSR-168 portlet applications (Liferay, WebSphere Portal, Jetspeed, etc)

OpenXava has been created by Java developers for their own use; hence it's powerful, extensible and enjoyable by a Java expert. In the other hand OpenXava allows to a new Java developer to start rapidly to be productive, therefore is a pleasant experience for beginners too.


· Has been used during years to develop enterprise applications.
· High productivity for developing business applications.
· Short learning curve and easy to use.
· Flexible enough to create sophisticated applications.
· It's possible to insert your own functionality in every place.
· No code generation: touch your code try your application in a few seconds.
· Based in the concept of business component.
· Although the User Interface is automatically generated (on fly) a fine tunning front-end arrangement is allowed.
· Full AJAX support: no page reloading is done.
· Adapted to work with legacy database schemas.
· Supports any application server (Tomcat, JBoss, WebSphere, etc).
· Supports JSR-168: All OpenXava modules are standard portlets too.
· Persistence engine: EJB3 JPA, Hibernate or EJB2 CMP. You choose.
· It's tested with the portals: JetSpeed 2, WebSphere Portal, Liferay and Stringbeans.
· Easy integration of reports made with JasperReports.
· Exhaustive documentation in English, French, Russian, Chinese and Spanish.
· All labels and messages are in English, Spanish, Chinese, German, Polish, Indonesian, French, Italian, Serbian, Swedish and Catalan, with more coming.

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