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OraDeveloper Tools for Visual Studio 2008 full changelog

OraDeveloper Tools for Visual Studio 2008 full changelog

OraDeveloper Tools for Visual Studio 2008 3.5.274 released Jan 7, 2014 (New Release)
InvalidOperationException while editing query results is fixed (T89648)
An exception while setting a constraint in the table editor is fixed (T91013, T91651)
NullReferenceException while selecting the 'In Bytes' checkbox in the column properties is fixed (T88823, T89532)
IndexOutOfRangeException while connecting to Oracle 8.0.x is fixed (T88617)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException while creating a new folder inside the Snippet Manager is fixed (T88686)
KeyNotFoundException while generating a schema script with all enabled options is fixed (T88885)
NullReferenceException while opening the Security Manager is fixed (T89031, T92044)
Incorrect values for BLOB fields while generating the INSERT statement from the Data Editor are fixed (R29341)
dbForge Fusion for SQL Server compatibility problems are fixed
OraDeveloper Tools for Visual Studio 2008 2.60.176 released Feb 3, 2011 (New Release)
Temporary disabled navigation combo-boxes in SQL editor:
· The Visual Studio 2010 has number of bugs, and one of them causes IDE to crash when navigating to a member via naviagation combo-box at the top of the SQL editor. Microsoft team reported these issues as fixed, so we will return the functionality back when Service Pack for Visual Studio 2010 come.

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