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OrgCalendar (WEB) for Windows 7 - Revolutionize your scheduling. - Windows 7 Download

OrgCalendar (WEB) Windows 7

OrgCalendar (WEB) 2.5

Streamline scheduling with super-intuitive OrgCalendar (WEB).

OrgCalendar (WEB) by OrgBusiness Software is the perfect tool to streamline scheduling and stay organized. This web-based calendar software offers a clean and intuitive interface that's easy to use. With customizable views and advanced features like task management and event reminders, OrgCalendar (WEB) is the ultimate solution for anyone looking to improve their productivity and manage their time more efficiently. Download it now and start experiencing the benefits of a well-organized schedule.

OrgCalendar (WEB) 2.5 full details

File Size: 1.83 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $14.95
Released: 2016-06-15
Downloads: Total: 334 | This Month: 5
Publisher: OrgBusiness Software
Publisher URL:

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OrgCalendar (WEB)PIMS & CalendarsWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinOther, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP, Other

User Rating: 3.3 (23 votes)

OrgCalendar (WEB) - Windows 7 Download awards

OrgCalendar (WEB) windows 7 compatible

OrgCalendar (WEB) 2.5 full description

A fully-functional scheduling WEB-application. The easy way for any organization to have a Internet-calendar within minutes! You simply place the OrgCalendar onto a your web site - and that's it. Calendar management is implemented at two levels: Admin Area and Public Area. The Administrator can manage all calendars. OrgCalendar is a simple to setup solution for visitor/user authentication allowing you to secure your current webpages simply and effectivly. If you enable users to signup, authenticated users can gain access to your calendar (Admin Area). Admin Area include signup, login, forgotten password, & edit profile. The OrgCalendar gives you a customizable Resource Navigator, new Date Navigator, control over the events overlapping and a mechanism for sharing events between an arbitrary number of different resources. Once resources have been created, the scheduler will display several parallel timelines. Instead of standard images used for resources, it's also possible to embed custom icons. You're able to bind any picture to a resource, so that it will be shown in its header. The Report Designer provides end-users with the capability to edit reports, load and save report templates, and preview and export to various formats (including PDF, XLS, RTF, MHT, Html, Text, CSV, and BMP). The OrgCalendar is designed to enable the communication between different scheduling applications over the Internet. It facilitates data transfer between applications that use Scheduler and other applications, such as Apple iCal, Google Calendar, Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, Novell GroupWise, Windows Calendar. You may obtain a collection of days which are treated as holidays for the specified country, and add these holidays to the scheduler. Our programs are cross-browser compatible and are carefully tested on multiple browsers to ensure utmost compatibility.

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OrgCalendar (WEB) 2.5 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Continuing to make the system more mobile friendly.
[ OrgCalendar (WEB) release history ]

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