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OutlookAddressBookView x64 for Windows 7 - Efficient Outlook address book viewer. - Windows 7 Download

OutlookAddressBookView x64 Windows 7

OutlookAddressBookView x64 2.44

Effortlessly view Outlook address book with this x64 software.

Introducing OutlookAddressBookView x64, a game-changing software developed by NirSoft that simplifies managing contact lists in Microsoft Outlook. This user-friendly tool allows you to view all contacts in Outlook's address book, filter them by various criteria, and export them in multiple formats. With its 64-bit version, you can now enjoy faster performance and greater computing power. Say goodbye to tedious manual searches and streamline your contact management process with OutlookAddressBookView x64.

OutlookAddressBookView x64 2.44 full details

File Size: 133 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2024-06-05
Downloads: Total: 464 | This Month: 8
Publisher: NirSoft
Publisher URL:

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OutlookAddressBookView x64Other E-Mail ToolsWindows XP, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 2.9 (18 votes)

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OutlookAddressBookView x64 2.44 full description

OutlookAddressBookView x64 is a simple utility that displays the details of all recipients stored in the address books of Microsoft Outlook. For every recipient entry, the following information is displayed: Email Address, Display Name, Address Type (MS-Exchange or SMTP), Street Address, Phone Number, Created Time, Modified Time (Works only with address books of Exchange server), and more... OutlookAddressBookView x64 is a lightweight software application whose purpose is to help users view all recipients stored in their Outlook address book.

Since this is a portable program, it is important to mention that it doesn’t leave any traces in the Windows Registry. OutlookAddressBookView x64 sports a clean and simple layout pointing out to the fact that the accent doesn’t fall upon the looks of the tool but rather on its functionality. During our testing we have noticed that OutlookAddressBookView x64 carries out a task quickly, and no errors showed up throughout the entire process. It is quite friendly with system resources, so the overall performance of the computer is not affected.

You can easily select one or more recipients from the list and export them into tab-delimited/comma-delimited/xml/html file, or copy them to the clipboard and then paste the list into Excel. OutlookAddressBookView x64 proves to be a reliable application that bundles a decent feature pack, which is suitable for all types of users, regardless of their experience level.

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