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packVol for Windows 7 - Optimize packaging design with PackVol. - Windows 7 Download

packVol Windows 7

packVol 2.6.4

"Optimize shipping & save space with PackVol software. Efficiency at its best."

Looking for an all-in-one packaging design software? Look no further than packVol by Antimo Angelucci! This intuitive program allows for quick and easy creation of 3D models for packaging design, with features like corner flattening and stack optimization to save you time and materials. Say goodbye to costly mistakes and hello to efficiency with packVol.

packVol 2.6.4 full details

File Size: 4.80 MB
License: Trialware
Price: FREE
Released: 2010-03-09
Downloads: Total: 739 | This Month: 7
Publisher: Antimo Angelucci
Publisher URL:

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packVolOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.5 (29 votes)

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packVol 2.6.4 full description

packVol is an Optimization Software for Load Planning, designed to plan the best space utilization inside containers and trucks, to help you reduce your transportation costs. It is an innovative software for MS Windows™, which has some unique features not found in other container loading software products. Thanks to its advanced optimizer, truly tridimensional, the program allows you to manage efficiently complex load planning problems.

For example, the program can define the vertical ordering of the units according to the load bearing strength (normal stress) of each item. With this feature the User can obtain realistic solutions, without the need to enter a lot of empirical rules on how items should be stacked. As a second example, the program can deal with the “Load by Ratio” (Set) load when only a subset of items are grouped, even in a multiple containers load plan.

To learn more about constraints and rules handled by our load planning software, please visit the section Loading Rules.

You can also modify or create the entire load plan manually, with the ease of a paint program. The application indeed offers you a special visual environment, which combines the standard editing functionalities (select, copy, paste, cut, undo, redo, zoom, pane, etc.) of a common 3D graphics program with a rigorous enforcement of the loading rules.

packVol is a program, written in C++, with a modern and easy-to-use graphical user interface. The size of the executable is really small, with great advantages in terms of speed and responsiveness of the application.

-In automatic mode you can deal quickly and efficiently with complex load planning problems.
-In manual mode you can modify or even create the entire load plan with the ease of a paint program.
-The program can generate and save (in pdf format) a graphical representation of the load sequence, by blocks of identical items or by longitudinal sections of the load.
-You can visualize, print and save (in html format) the packing list and the loading manifest.
-For each container, you can analyze the weight distribution along the longitudinal axis.
-Data can be stored in an embedded database and can be imported from Excel files or from any database supporting ODBC.
-A panel permits to visualize and to impose the loading rules for a package in a easy and intuitive way.

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packVol is an Optimization Software for Load Planning, designed ... at least not fully utilized. For this reason PackVol is also available in LITE version, which sees ...
packVol is an Optimization Software for Load Planning, designed ... a rigorous enforcement of the loading rules. packVol is a program, written in C++, with a ...
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