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Palette Tune Lite for Windows 7 - "Palette Tune Lite: Master Color Control for Win7" - Windows 7 Download

Palette Tune Lite Windows 7

Palette Tune Lite 1.7

"Explore Palette Tune Lite - a vibrant tool for colorizing your Windows 7 world!"

Welcome to your go-to site for downloading the innovative software, "Palette Tune Lite", expertly developed by GEO Ltd. This Windows 7 compatible software is a game-changer for those in the creative industry, offering a unique solution for color design. Palette Tune Lite allows you to separate color spectrums in any image, making it a breeze to analyze, modify, and enhance. It's an essential tool for designers, artists, and all those who work with color. Experience the power of color manipulation at your fingertips with Palette Tune Lite.

Palette Tune Lite 1.7 full details

File Size: 2.03 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2019-01-11
Downloads: Total: 98 | This Month: 7
Publisher: GEO Ltd
Publisher URL:

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Palette Tune LiteEditorsWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 1.0 (2 votes)

Palette Tune Lite - Windows 7 Download awards

Palette Tune Lite windows 7 compatible

Palette Tune Lite 1.7 full description

Welcome to the world of color mastery with Palette Tune Lite, a remarkable software developed by GEO Ltd. This Windows 7 compatible software is a game-changer for artists, designers, and color enthusiasts, offering a unique platform to manipulate and fine-tune colors to perfection.

Palette Tune Lite is a powerful tool that allows you to separate color from brightness and work with them individually. It enables you to create a color palette from any image, allowing you to capture and replicate the exact hues and tones. It's not just about color selection; this software lets you delve deeper into the color spectrum, exploring the nuances of color and brightness independently.

The software's interface is user-friendly, making it accessible for both beginners and professionals. It's not just a tool, but a creative companion that enhances your understanding of color and its application. Palette Tune Lite is a must-have for anyone looking to elevate their color manipulation skills.

Experience the magic of color like never before with Palette Tune Lite. It's not just software; it's a doorway to a world where you control color. Unleash your creativity and let your imagination run wild with Palette Tune Lite by GEO Ltd.

Palette Tune Lite 1.7 download tags

Palette Tune Lite 1.7 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Added ability to adjust contrast. Released free edition.
[ Palette Tune Lite release history ]

Palette Tune Lite 1.7 Windows 7 requirements


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