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Panda Managed Office Protection for Windows 7 - Protect Your Office with Powerful Software! - Windows 7 Download

Panda Managed Office Protection Windows 7

Panda Managed Office Protection 5.04

Ultimate Office Protection: Panda Managed Security Software.

Looking for a reliable, comprehensive, and efficient office protection software for your business? Look no further than Panda Managed Office Protection by Panda Security. This software is designed to keep your office devices safe from viruses, malware, and other cyber threats while also offering easy centralized management and real-time monitoring. With its user-friendly interface, automatic updates, and intelligent analysis, Panda Managed Office Protection is the solution you need to keep your business protected and running smoothly. Download it now and enjoy peace of mind knowing your devices and data are secured.

Panda Managed Office Protection 5.04 full details

File Size: 1.00 MB
License: Trialware
Price: FREE
Released: 2009-11-10
Downloads: Total: 494 | This Month: 42
Publisher: Panda Security
Publisher URL:

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Panda Managed Office ProtectionOtherWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

User Rating: 3.0 (21 votes)

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Panda Managed Office Protection 5.04 full description

Panda Managed Office Protection is a security solution for PCs and servers based on the concept of Software as a Service (SaaS). Software as a Service lets companies focus on their core business, freeing them from the management tasks and operating costs associated with traditional security solutions.

It prevents companies from having to invest in additional hardware, maintenance personnel and other resources dedicated to anti-malware protection while achieving high level security, even in remote offices, with minimum resource consumption.

The Web-based administration console allows centralized management of computer protection anytime from anywhere through single-sign-on.

Panda Managed Office Protection offers an innovative way to manage security, as it automates all maintenance tasks. This lets many small businesses forget about security management or outsource it quickly and easily with no impact on the user.

Panda Managed Office Protection is complemented with periodic security auditsbenefiting from Panda’s exclusive Collective Intelligence Technologies.

Web administration console

Administrators only require a Web browser to manage the protection centrally and remotely across all workstations and file servers, including in remote offices without a network connection.
Proactive anti-malware for workstations and servers

Protects against known, unknown and even hidden threats (viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, adware, rootkits, phishing). Includes protection for files, email, HTTP/FTP and Instant Messaging applications.
Managed personal firewall

Firewalls can be managed centrally or locally depending on the company's needs. The firewall offers application and system rules, intrusion prevention and prevention of network viruses.
In-depth malware audit service

This service provides periodic evaluation of the status of the network and automates disinfection tasks.
P2P and automated updates

Frequency of updates is configurable and can be performed P2P from the nearest computer to reduce bandwidth consumption, preventing all computers from having to update across the Internet.
Administration of security by profiles and management delegation

Administrators can save time by configuring the protection by profiles and assigning these profiles to groups. Administrators can also delegate security management tasks to other users.
Flexible installation

Administrators can install the protection with or without the user’s intervention.
Group-based license management

The number of licenses and service expiry dates can be configured by groups, allowing for optimized license management in accordance with the needs of the organization.
Detailed, Summarized and Executive Reports

Reports can be configured to offer information and graphs about detections and status of the protection. They can be exported to a range of formats including CSV, XML, HTML, PDF or Excel.

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