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Paragon Partition Manager Home for Windows 7 - "Effortlessly Manage Your Partitions" - Windows 7 Download

Paragon Partition Manager Home Windows 7

Paragon Partition Manager Home 15

"Experience seamless partition management with advanced features."

Looking for a reliable, comprehensive tool to manage your computer's hard drive partitions? Look no further than Paragon Partition Manager Home. Developed by Paragon Software Group, this intuitive software offers a range of features designed to make it easy to resize, move, copy, delete, and undelete partitions with ease. With support for Windows 7, 8, and 10, as well as a range of file systems, Paragon Partition Manager Home is the ultimate tool for anyone looking to take control of their hard drive. Try it today and see the difference for yourself!

Paragon Partition Manager Home 15 full details

File Size: 38.00 MB
License: Demo
Price: $39.95
Released: 2014-01-07
Downloads: Total: 269 | This Month: 29
Publisher: Paragon Software Group
Publisher URL:

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Paragon Partition Manager HomeFile & Disk ManagementWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64

User Rating: 2.7 (15 votes)

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Paragon Partition Manager Home windows 7 compatible

Paragon Partition Manager Home 15 full description

Storing all your data and your operating system (OS) on one partition is certainly not optimal for effective data organization and safety. If you’ve got one partition that holds all your documents, favorite music, movies and family photos as well as your OS, it may negatively affect the system. The result: poor performance in file search/access and read/write operations, and inconvenient handling for you. With Paragon Partition Manager you can detach the OS from data, or segment different types of data by splitting a partition or creating new ones.

Resize or merge partitions without data loss, Hot Resize - enlarge NTFS partitions without rebooting Windows, install new OS, redistribute free space, convert Primary partition to Logical and vice versa, Update Master Boot Record (MBR)!

Create, format, delete, undelete, hide or unhide partition, set partition active/inactive, set, change or remove drive letter, change hard disk partition label (Volume Label), convert file systems, check file system integrity, run complete surface test!

After installing a number of resource-consuming applications and system updates, your system partition (NTFS formatted) may have started to suffer from a lack of free space. If your adjacent data partition has plenty of redundant space, you can enlarge an NTFS partition (system, locked) with Paragon Partition Manager Home without rebooting Windows and interrupting your work.

Basic hard disk partitioning operations:
Create, format and delete partitions
Hide/unhide partition, set partition active/inactive
Copy and move partition of any file system, quick and sector-by-sector modes
Set or change drive letter (Windows NT/2000/XP only)
Change hard disk partition Label (Volume Label)
Advanced hard disk partitioning operations:
Resize hard disk partitions with data
Hot Resize (upward) - enlarge NTFS partition without rebooting Windows and interrupting its work
Copy disk to disk
Copy with resize
Convert file system
FAT16 to FAT32 and vice versa
FAT16/32 to NTFS and vice versa
Ext2 FS to Ext3 FS and vice versa
Merge hard disk partitions (even hard disk partitions of different file systems)
Undelete hard disk partition
Check File System Integrity
Convert Primary hard disk partition to Logical and vice versa
Change hard disk Partition ID (hard disk partition signature)
Change hard disk Partition Primary Slot (in Master Boot Record)
Update MBR (Master Boot Record) with standard code
Convert NTFS revision (from anyone to any other within Windows NT, 2000 and XP)
Change FAT parameters - boot size, root size
File System Performance Optimization:
Change cluster size
Defragment File System
Defragment NTFS core structure - MFT (Master File Table)
Technologies Support:
Supports large hard disks (up to 500GB tested, 2TB in theory)
Supports P-ATA (IDE), S-ATA (SATA), SCSI hard disks
All levels of SCSI and IDE RAID controllers
Supports FireWire IEEE1394, USB 1.0, USB 2.0, ZIP and Jazz media
Supports Flash devices
Supports NTFS from Windows NT, 2000, XP
Supports NTFS with compressed and encrypted files and folders
Supports FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, Ext2 FS, Ext3 FS, HPFS file systems
Safety and Recovery:
Recovery CD with Unique Interface in XP style for restoring under DOS/Linux4
Power Shield technology - resuming critical partitioning operations after power failure
Recovery Media Builder - creates CDs/DVDs(or even a floppy disk) that you can boot from and recover your system
Treating bad sectors - surface test can be optionally used for format, copy, move and resize operations
Retesting disk surface for partitions with data, relocating files from encountered bad blocks
Automatic generation and sending operations logs over email for quick and easy technical support

Paragon Partition Manager Home 15 download tags

Paragon Partition Manager Home 15 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Backup to VD Wizard
Restore from VD Wizard
Support for Windows 8.1 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP
User-friendly Interface
[ Paragon Partition Manager Home release history ]

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