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Password Security Scanner for Windows 7 - "Scan & Secure: Your Ultimate Password Safety Tool" - Windows 7 Download

Password Security Scanner Windows 7

Password Security Scanner 1.61

"Explore Password Security Scanner - a robust tool for password strength analysis!"

Discover the world of secure password management with NirSoft Freeware's "Password Security Scanner". This Windows 7 compatible software is a must-have tool for anyone concerned about their digital security. It scans your system, revealing the strength and security of all your saved passwords without revealing the passwords themselves. The software provides a comprehensive report, including password length, complexity, and overall security level. This user-friendly tool is perfect for ensuring your passwords are robust enough to withstand potential cyber threats. With Password Security Scanner, you can rest easy knowing your digital world is secure.

Password Security Scanner 1.61 full details

File Size: 228 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2020-07-08
Downloads: Total: 517 | This Month: 5
Publisher: NirSoft Freeware
Publisher URL:

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Password Security ScannerOtherWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

User Rating: 2.4 (17 votes)

Password Security Scanner - Windows 7 Download awards

Password Security Scanner windows 7 compatible

Password Security Scanner 1.61 full description

Welcome to the hub of top-notch software solutions! We present to you the Password Security Scanner by NirSoft Freeware, a revolutionary tool designed to enhance your Windows 7 experience. This software is not your average password manager, it's a unique utility that scans and displays the security level of your passwords stored in various applications.

The Password Security Scanner is a powerful tool that doesn't reveal your actual passwords, but instead, provides a comprehensive analysis of their strength. It evaluates the length, the character types used, and the complexity of your passwords, giving you a clear insight into their security level. This is a must-have software for anyone looking to bolster their digital security.

Developed by NirSoft Freeware, a trusted name in the software industry, the Password Security Scanner ensures reliability and efficiency. It's lightweight, user-friendly, and doesn't require any installation - a perfect fit for your Windows 7 system.

With this software, you can rest assured that your passwords are robust enough to withstand any hacking attempts. So why wait? Upgrade your Windows 7 security with the Password Security Scanner today and take a step towards a safer digital life.

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