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PDF417 Font and Encoder Suite for Windows 7 - Advanced PDF417 Font & Encoder - Windows 7 Download

PDF417 Font and Encoder Suite Windows 7

PDF417 Font and Encoder Suite 2023

"Boost your barcode scanning with PDF417 Font & Encoder Suite for Windows 7"

Introducing the PDF417 Font and Encoder Suite - the ultimate solution for generating high-quality PDF417 barcodes directly from your Windows 7 computer. Developed by, Inc., this software provides seamless integration with your existing Windows applications, allowing you to easily create custom barcodes with just a few clicks. With advanced font and encoding options, you can customize your barcodes to fit your exact needs. Say goodbye to manual barcode generation and hello to effortless, efficient barcode creation with the PDF417 Font and Encoder Suite.

PDF417 Font and Encoder Suite 2023 full details

File Size: 13.33 MB
License: Demo
Price: $295.00
Released: 2023-03-28
Downloads: Total: 382 | This Month: 11
Publisher:, Inc.
Publisher URL:

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PDF417 Font and Encoder SuiteInventory & BarcodingWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 3.0 (24 votes)

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PDF417 Font and Encoder Suite windows 7 compatible

PDF417 Font and Encoder Suite 2023 full description

The PDF417 Barcode Font and Encoder Suite includes font formats and sizes to generate 2D barcodes based on the PDF417 symbology. PDF417 is used on many government id forms including driver's licenses and titles. The package includes encoders for many environments including Crystal Reports, Oracle, FileMaker, .NET, Java, Excel, SSRS, and many others. Additional features include: -Complies with ISO/IEC 15438, USS AIM PDF417, and FedEx PDF417 specifications. -Compatible with 32 and 64-bit operating systems for Windows, Mac, Unix, Linux, and others. -UTF-8 encoding supported in encoders for Crystal Reports, VBA, Excel, Access, Java, .NET, and SSRS environments. -Developer License versions include .NET Standard source in C# and VB.NET, Web fonts for WOFF, EOT, and SVG formats, silent installers with source, and other native encoders for SSRS, C++, FileMaker Pro, JavaScript, VBA, Java, and .NET. This product is available in a variety of license options to meet any usage scenario. Single Users are available for installation and use on one machine, and Multi-Users are available for installation across multiple devices and users. We also offer Site Licenses for unlimited users across a single site, and Developer Licenses for distribution, high-volume installation, and users, or use in complex environments. Download a free demo for testing prior to purchase. Most encoders are available in the demo version, with some only available in the purchased version. If testing with the fully-functional version is required, consider purchasing and conducting your testing within our 30-day return period.

PDF417 Font and Encoder Suite 2023 download tags

PDF417 Font and Encoder Suite 2023 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
UTF-8 Updates
[ PDF417 Font and Encoder Suite release history ]

PDF417 Font and Encoder Suite 2023 Windows 7 requirements

32 bit or 64 bit Windows OS

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