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Pencil for Windows 7 - "Pencil: Simplify Your Planning Tasks." - Windows 7 Download

Pencil Windows 7

Pencil 0.4.4b

"Pencil: A Powerful Planning Tool for Windows 7 users."

Introducing "Pencil" - the top-notch Windows 7 software designed by the talented Patrick Corrieri. With its intuitive and easy-to-use interface, Pencil empowers users to create beautiful sketches, diagrams, and prototypes in no time. This versatile software is ideal for designers, artists, and anyone who wants to visualize their ideas with precision and creativity. Whether you are creating an intricate blueprint or a simple doodle, Pencil will provide you with the tools you need to unleash your imagination. Download Pencil now and start sketching your dreams!

Pencil 0.4.4b full details

File Size: 5.60 MB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2008-02-23
Downloads: Total: 14664 | This Month: 45
Publisher: Patrick Corrieri
Publisher URL:

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PencilAnimation ToolsWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 4.2 (135 votes)

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Pencil 0.4.4b full description

Pencil is an animation/drawing software for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. It lets you create traditional hand-drawn animation (cartoon) using both bitmap and vector graphics. Pencil is free and open source.

Why Pencil?

I have always loved animation. As a child, I tried to make some animation by drawing in notebooks but the result was somewhat unsatisfactory. Nowadays, computers make animation much easier. However, there is surprisingly almost no free cross-platform software for traditional animation.
I was lucky to find "Pencil Planner" by Patrick Corrieri, a little programme for pencil tests. I decided to improve it and use it as a basis to build a bitmap/vector animation program.

Pencil is not intended to mimick web-oriented vector-based animation software such as Flash. Its main purpose is to make traditional animation. Neither does it try to rival commercial software targetting the professional animation sector. Pencil is intended to be a simple programme enabling anyone to make 2D animation.


· Timeline (create, move, shift and delete keys, edit timeline length and size[zoom])
· Real-time timeline scrubbing and playback with adjustable fps and looping
· Basic drawing tools (pencil, eraser, color, width, clear screen)
· Static background layer
· Onion skinning
· Save/Load
· Image import
· Copy/Paste/Undo/Redo
· Export to Image Sequence
· Export to Movie
· Export X-Sheet
· Basic sound playback
· Hotkeys

Attention Windows users:

* The movie export function has not been implemented yet (only works on the Mac). At the moment (0.4.4b) the Windows version can only export frames and Flash files. Any help would be appreciated.

Pencil 0.4.4b download tags

Pencil 0.4.4b Windows 7 release notes

New Release
· changed the way documents are saved: vector graphics are now saved in separate xml files. Saving files now rewrites only the changed images. Attention: Pencil 0.4.3b will not open the new document format 0.4.4b. - autosave option. - vector graphics file (.vec) can be imported at specific frames - improved the brush in bitmap mode. Introduced quot;preserve alphaquot; and quot;stop at contourquot; options. - a document now remembers the last layer, frame and view used by the user. - the window can be made translucent. - improved gradients (feather) in vector mode. - bug fix: timeline did not refresh until the user clicks on it. - bug fix: single click on sliders did not work
[ Pencil release history ]

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