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Performous full changelog

Performous full changelog

Performous 1.1 released Jan 23, 2016 (New Release)
This is mostly a bugfix release. But there are some small new features as well:

You can now enable a "center channel suppressor" (poor-man's karaoke) in the options of with Ctrl+C (thanks to Matthias Keysermann)
You can now use up to 8 microphones (thanks to Arjan Spieard)
Startup errors are not silent anymore (you get an error dialog)
Support for more controllers was added
On dual-GPU systems we request the high-performance GPU
And some bugfixes:

UTF-8 encoded files with BOM are handled correctly (in all text files)
Fixed some OpenGL issues with shaders especially on Intel card
Fixed font loading: Pango is now used on all platforms, so Performous should look the same everywhere
More minor fixes (OS X build, clan build, fixes for crashes)
Under the hood we now support compiling with newer ffmpeg versions and switched from GLEW to libepoxy, which should make GL support a bit more robust across all hardware.
Performous 1.0 released Jan 23, 2015 (New Release)
We have a new song browser menu
You can now build playlists, so you don't have to return to the songbrowser between songs!
There is now experimental support for microphone pass-through, so you don't have to fiddle with ALSA or such stuff, just enable it in the settings and "enjoy" hearing your own voice through the speakers!
The duet mode is better than ever, we fixed some corner cases and show microphone icons in duet menu, so you know which microphone has to sing which part before staring the song.
Performous 0.6.1 released Nov 2, 2010 (New Release)

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