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Pizzicato Beginner for Windows 7 - "Pizzicato Beginner": Intuitive music composition software for Windows 7. - Windows 7 Download

Pizzicato Beginner Windows 7

Pizzicato Beginner 3.6

Discover the perfect tool for learning music notation with Pizzicato Beginner.

Looking to learn music notation and composition on your PC? Look no further than Pizzicato Beginner from Arpege Music. This easy-to-use software includes a user-friendly interface and a variety of helpful features to guide users of any skill level. With Pizzicato Beginner, music enthusiasts can start creating their own melodies and scores in no time. Try it out today and unlock your inner composer!

Pizzicato Beginner 3.6 full details

File Size: 47.12 MB
License: Demo
Price: $97.00
Released: 2011-11-20
Downloads: Total: 548 | This Month: 11
Publisher: Arpege Music
Publisher URL:

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Pizzicato BeginnerMusic ComposersMac OS X, Win2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

User Rating: 2.8 (15 votes)

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Pizzicato Beginner windows 7 compatible

Pizzicato Beginner 3.6 full description

Write, lay out, print and hear your music scores, for solo instruments as well as music groups up to 16 instruments. Pizzicato Beginner fits most of the needs of a chorus, a small ensemble, a soloist or keyboard music. By following the progressive tutorials of the manual and/or by watching the video tutorials, you will be able to easily specify the key and time signatures, the page layout, as well as to enter the content of the measures. - Many tool palettes help you to specify how to lay out the measures and staves on the pages, to select the clef, the key and time signatures and to enter notes, rests, accidentals, symbols, repeats, bar lines,... - Enter up to 8 voices per staff and customize the number of measures per staff, the measure width and the general page setup of pages. - When you add or move notes on the staff, you hear them. When the music is played back, a cursor follows the notes and the notes are also coloured to show you exactly when they are played as well as their duration. - When you add symbols to the score (nuances, crescendo, ties, accents,...), Pizzicato takes them into account to influence the playback of the score through the sound card. - You can move, edit or delete any item of the score at any moment. - Play on the music keyboard (or with the keyboard or guitar fret board window) and get the music displayed on the staff. - Add chord symbols (A7, Cmin,...) and automatically get the corresponding notes on the staff. - Export your music to an audio file (WAV) and use it to burn a CD. - Add text, lyrics, chord symbols or chord guitar diagrams, guitar tablatures and transpose your music to any tonality. - With the licensed version, you get a high quality orchestral sound library, giving a realistic sound rendering to your music. - Also includes the full music theory course.

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