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PlotLab .NET for Windows 7 - "Revolutionize Plotting with PlotLab .NET" - Windows 7 Download

PlotLab .NET Windows 7

PlotLab .NET 8.0

"Revolutionize your data plotting with PlotLab .NET - a powerful tool for Windows 7."

PlotLab .NET is a powerful data visualization suite developed by Mitov Software, designed to help developers create stunning graphs, charts, and dynamic visual displays effortlessly. With an intuitive interface and comprehensive library of customizable features, PlotLab .NET is an essential tool for anyone building Windows applications where data visualization is key. From real-time monitoring and analysis to scientific research, PlotLab .NET provides the perfect solution to meet your data display needs. Download now and discover the power of PlotLab .NET.

PlotLab .NET 8.0 full details

File Size: 434.98 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $419.00
Released: 2020-11-26
Downloads: Total: 526 | This Month: 12
Publisher: Mitov Software
Publisher URL:

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PlotLab .NETComponents & LibrariesWindows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinServer

User Rating: 3.2 (14 votes)

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PlotLab .NET windows 7 compatible

PlotLab .NET 8.0 full description

PlotLab .NET is a set of .NET for very easy and fast Data Visualization. Also includes a visual graphical editor for codeless development. Contains: - Scope Component - a scientific chart component for plotting multi-channel data. - Waterfall Component - a single channel waterfall data plotting component. Especially suitable for FFT, and spectrum results. - Multichannel Waterfall Component - a multichannel waterfall data plotting component. Especially suitable for video histogram representation. Features: - Panning and Zooming - Zoom in out, Pan and navigate. - Zoom/Pan history - Undo and Redo zooms/panning. - Data gaps - allows gaps in the data channels. - Markers - Add data markers. - Cursors, measurement and selections - Add data cursors, measurement lines and selections. - Multi axes support - Supports Multiple X, and Y axes. - Downsampling - Automatically reduces displayed samples to improve performance. - Zones - Allows arbitrary and elliptic zones. - Save to file - Save to bitmap or JPEG file. - Print - integrated printing support. - Highlighting - Highlight channels, cursors, markers, and measurement lines. - Build-in Dialog - Configure the components from the build in dialog. - Composite components - Allows embedding component into each other. All of the components are optimized for very fast data plotting, and support multithreading. Free for non-commercial use.

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PlotLab .NET 8.0 Windows 7 requirements

.NET 4.0 or higher

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