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Pop-up Excel Calendar / Excel Date Picke for Windows 7 - "Revolutionize Excel with Pop-up Calendar" - Windows 7 Download

Pop-up Excel Calendar / Excel Date Picke Windows 7

Pop-up Excel Calendar / Excel Date Picke 4.10

Enhance your Excel experience with a sleek and intuitive date picker.

Introducing the revolutionary Pop-up Excel Calendar / Excel Date Picker software, brought to you by Uniform Software Limited. Say goodbye to the hassle of manually entering dates in Excel spreadsheets and say hello to effortless date selection with just a few clicks. This user-friendly software adds a pop-up calendar to your Excel application, allowing you to easily choose the date format that best suits your needs. Download it today and see how this tool can help streamline your workflow and simplify your data entry process.

Pop-up Excel Calendar / Excel Date Picke 4.10 full details

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Pop-up Excel Calendar / Excel Date PickeOffice Suites & ToolsWindows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Win10, Win11

User Rating: 2.8 (31 votes)

Pop-up Excel Calendar / Excel Date Picke - Windows 7 Download awards

Pop-up Excel Calendar / Excel Date Picke windows 7 compatible

Pop-up Excel Calendar / Excel Date Picke 4.10 full description

Pop-up Excel Calendar is a date picker for Microsoft Excel. It runs inside Excel and when you activate a cell where a date value muse be entered, it pops up a calendar to let you pick or select a date from the calendar, instead of typing in manually. This helps you save time and avoid common mistakes found in working with date values. For example, Should you enter dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy? Do you enter slashes or dashes or dots? Pop-up Excel Calendar detects date cells based on various conditions, including the format or value of the active cell, the label or format of the above cell, etc. All these are configurable. If a date cell is detected, an in-cell icon button appears, which you can click to pop-up the calendar to pick or select a date value - or, you can set an option to have the calendar pops up automatically. Besides that, you can also activate the calendar manually on any cell by selecting the command from toolbar, context menu, and ribbon tab in Excel 2007. Pop-up Excel Calendar offers options to let you decide where to add the calendar command. The date picker also provides other useful options. For example, you can set the First Day of Week option to adjust the calendar layout; set the Default Date Format option to have the calendar set a date format if the target cell is not formatted as date. With Custom Formats, you can even control what formats are valid date formats and what are not. With this new version, the date picker offers a new option that enables the pop-up calendar to show a default date for a target cell.

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Pop-up Excel Calendar / Excel Date Picke 4.10 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
New feature: The date picker offers a new option that enables the pop-up calendar to show a default date for a target cell.
[ Pop-up Excel Calendar / Excel Date Picke release history ]

Pop-up Excel Calendar / Excel Date Picke 4.10 Windows 7 requirements

Office 2016/2019, Microsoft 365

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