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Portable Drive Speedometer for Windows 7 - "Measure Portable Drive Speed" - Windows 7 Download

Portable Drive Speedometer Windows 7

Portable Drive Speedometer 1.1.0

Boost your portable drive's performance with Drive Speedometer.

Welcome to a faster computing experience with Portable Drive Speedometer, the ultimate tool to measure and optimize the speed of your portable drives. Developed by PCWinTech, this software provides real-time performance metrics, enabling you to identify bottlenecks and improving your drive’s transfer rates. With an easy-to-use interface, this lightweight software is a must-have for anyone who relies on portable drives. Get it today and streamline your data transfer!

Portable Drive Speedometer 1.1.0 full details

File Size: 1.80 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2013-01-07
Downloads: Total: 378 | This Month: 5
Publisher: PCWinTech
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Portable Drive SpeedometerOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64

User Rating: 3.1 (10 votes)

Portable Drive Speedometer - Windows 7 Download awards

Portable Drive Speedometer windows 7 compatible windows 7 download editor's pick

Portable Drive Speedometer 1.1.0 full description

Drive Speedometer is a program I made to help monitor the current read and writes speeds of you hard drives.

Benefits include:
1. When your system is running slow yet your CPU usage and memory usage are fine, it is normally the hard drive being maxed out. Now you will be able to keep an eye on the hard drive performance.
2. When a drive is slowly dying it will run slower and slower. Being aware of what your normal drive speeds are and seeing those speed drop over time is a great indicator it is time to replace the drive.
3. Being a performance nut myself I like knowing what my system is doing. When I have a program doing some work and appears to be hung up I can see if it is still reading or writing to the drive. This way I know the program isn't hung up and is still working.

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