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Portable es-Builder for Windows 7 - "Revolutionize productivity with Portable es-Builder" - Windows 7 Download

Portable es-Builder Windows 7

Portable es-Builder 2.2.16

"Meet the Ultimate Organizer: Portable es-Builder for Windows 7"

As a Windows 7 software expert, I highly recommend Portable es-Builder by Season Workshop. This software is a must-have for anyone needing to manage information and data with ease. Not only is it portable and easy to use, but it also offers a comprehensive set of features, including database management, task scheduling, and note-taking. With Portable es-Builder, you can stay organized and on top of your work wherever you go. Download it today and see for yourself why it's the ideal tool for your information management needs.

Portable es-Builder 2.2.16 full details

File Size: 41.70 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2018-02-01
Downloads: Total: 702 | This Month: 12
Publisher: Season Workshop
Publisher URL:

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Portable es-BuilderOffice Suites & ToolsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.4 (27 votes)

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Portable es-Builder 2.2.16 full description

Portable es-Builder is a customizable and friendly information manager for private personal use. Portable es-Builder application was designed to allow users to build information structure to fit their needs. Or just build a common structure such as Contacts, Appointments, Tasks, Notes, Daily Journals and Expenses from the Templates. es-Builder is exactly what you've been looking for.


Key Features:
· Highly Customizable - Build your personalized data structure to fit your own need.
· Lookup - You can enable the "Lookup" feature of each field. It allows you to select the other table's data in easy way.
· Master-Detail Table - Build a detail table easily. You don't have to learn the complex concept of Master-Detail relationship. Just one click to build it and use it.
· Views, Charts, Reports - Build-in Views, Charts and Reports bring the data to another level.
· Customize Input Layout - Easily arrange and customize the input layout and the input order of each table.
· Choose Input Control = Choose different input control with options to make your own input style.
· Powerful Search - Search data in any data type to save your time. Input 'monday' keyword to search all date fields which are on monday.
· Shortcut Homepage - Drag the items (tables, views, charts and reports) into the homepage for fast access.
· Tag Support - Each data is tag support. You can search data in the Tag Cloud.
· Password Protect - Support password protect for each Book.

Table Features:
· Data Format - Customize the display format and the input mask of each field.
· Data Group - Assign the fields to the same group for convenient layout arrangement.
· Expression Field - Use an expression in a field. This expression supports SQL function and operator. Example: [Price] * [Qty].
· Lookup Display Fields - Assign more than 1 field to display in the 'Lookup' feature.
· External Lookup - Use an external book in the 'Lookup' feature.
· Repository - Turn your data into a repository for sharing by setting a 'Lookup' location.
· Fields Import Export - Import the fields from another book or another exported field list.
· Multiple Detail Tables - Build more than 1 detail table in a single master table.

Input and Layout Features:
· 15+ Input Controls - 15+ different input controls with options to make your own input style.
· Auto Layout - Auto arrange the fields to the same group for the default layout.
· Reset Layout - Reset the layout to default at anytime if you feel the current one is uncomfortable.
· Layout Manager - Predefine different layouts from the layout manager.
· Data Input Dialog - Input data using the data input dialog which has individual layout.
· Multiple Data Selection - Check multiple data in the grid view for filtering and printing.
· Filtering, Grouping and Sorting - Filter, group and sort the data in the very flexible grid view.
· Complex Criteria - Build the complex criteria to filter the data. It supports AND, OR operator to get the best result.
· Flexible Detail Table Layout - Arrange the detail tables in the card view.
· Data Export - Export data to CSV format.

Views, Charts, Reports Features:
· Unlimited Items - Create unlimited View, Chart and Report items.
· Interaction - Tables, Views, Charts and Reports interact with each others.
· Extra Report Components - Bar Code, Zip Code, Chart, Pivot Grid

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Portable es-Builder 2.2.16 Windows 7 release notes

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Find and Replace bugs fixed
[ Portable es-Builder release history ]

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