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Portable MicroCity for Windows 7 - "Discover Portable MicroCity: Windows 7 software for limitless city-building." - Windows 7 Download

Portable MicroCity Windows 7

Portable MicroCity 1.8

"Get MicroCity - your portable, efficient and dynamic Windows 7 solution."

Are you tired of cluttered city-building games? Look no further than Portable MicroCity, an easy-to-use and adaptable simulator! Developed by Sourceforge, this software offers endless customization options for creating the metropolis of your dreams. With intuitive controls and comprehensive tutorials, even novice players can quickly become skilled mayors! Download Portable MicroCity today and let your imagination run wild.

Portable MicroCity 1.8 full details

File Size: 8.57 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2018-03-14
Downloads: Total: 547 | This Month: 7
Publisher: Sourceforge
Publisher URL:

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Portable MicroCityOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.2 (18 votes)

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Portable MicroCity 1.8 full description

An expensive GIS software is maybe not suitable for your purpose. If you are using one for analysis or simulation and feeling one of these: huge, complicated, slow and unremovable, it's time to change. Why MicroCity?

Additional to fundamental GIS functions, many unique libraries such as Network, Fractal, 3D, Simulatoin and LP Solver have also been supported as built-in functions to facilitate scientific modeling.

Open Source:
You can use and customize it freely under the agreement without paying anything

Extremely small file size and resource consumption

Same operations are faster than any existing package

You can just copy the directory of your model and run it everywhere

You can easily build your model based on efficient MicroCity Script and run it on the fly. There are enormous extensible modules can be downloaded from web.

User Friendly:
Both the User Interface and the Application Programming Interface are designed to be very intuitive. Because it's used SAGA api, SAGA modules are also reusable.

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