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Portable RapidTyping for Windows 7 - The Ultimate Typing Tutor - Windows 7 Download

Portable RapidTyping Windows 7

Portable RapidTyping 5.4

"Boost your typing skills with Portable RapidTyping - a dynamic Windows 7 software!"

Introducing Portable RapidTyping by PinokioSoft: a user-friendly Windows 7 software for enhancing your typing skills! Say goodbye to boring typing lessons with this engaging and portable tool. Loaded with interactive exercises, games, and lessons, it empowers beginners and advanced typists alike to improve speed and accuracy effortlessly. Boost your productivity, master the keyboard, and enjoy the journey towards becoming a typing pro. Experience Portable RapidTyping's intuitive interface and become a fast and efficient typist today!

Portable RapidTyping 5.4 full details

File Size: 20.30 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2021-01-27
Downloads: Total: 687 | This Month: 14
Publisher: PinokioSoft
Publisher URL:

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Portable RapidTypingOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.3 (15 votes)

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Portable RapidTyping 5.4 full description

Welcome to the ultimate destination for Windows 7 software enthusiasts! Here at our software download website, we are thrilled to introduce you to a remarkable gem known as Portable RapidTyping, developed by the talented team at PinokioSoft. With its cutting-edge features and user-friendly interface, this software becomes your key to unlocking the world of efficient and rapid typing. Elevate your typing skills to new heights with engaging activities, real-time feedback, and customizable exercises—all in the palm of your hand. Crafted specifically for Windows 7, this portable software empowers you to learn and practice on-the-go, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned typist. So, kickstart your typing journey now with Portable RapidTyping, and embrace a future filled with enhanced productivity and impeccable typing prowess.

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Portable RapidTyping 5.4 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Current lesson:
Added color coding on the Tips bar.
Fixed wrong assignment of next course.
Fixed resetting custom background and text color after starting a new course.
Fixed the incorrect message «Change system keyboard language» when changing the language course.
Fixed export of statistics of one group or student in HTML and XML formats.
Result window:
Fixed missing key labels in keystroke diagram.
Fixed transparent space under lesson grades.
Added courses for Arabic keyboards (thanks to Mohamed Embabi).
Intermediate and advanced English courses are available for Indian keyboard.
Wizard window:
Fixed updating of the virtual keyboard when changing the language.
Added Vietnamese program language (thanks to Hoang Duong).
Fixed uninstallation using the «Apps and features» command in Windows 10.
[ Portable RapidTyping release history ]

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