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Portable SmartGit for Windows 7 - Portable Git client for Windows 7. - Windows 7 Download

Portable SmartGit Windows 7

Portable SmartGit 23.1.4

"Experience seamless Git management with Portable SmartGit."

"Introducing Portable SmartGit - the ultimate solution for Git version control on Windows 7. Developed by the trusted syntevo GmbH, this software offers extensive features such as conflict solver, code review, and branch management. With its portability, employees can use it on-the-go and increase productivity. Effortlessly navigate your codebase with ease and stay organized with Portable SmartGit. Get your version control on track - download Portable SmartGit now!"

Portable SmartGit 23.1.4 full details

File Size: 102.00 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2024-08-22
Downloads: Total: 2865 | This Month: 25
Publisher: syntevo GmbH
Publisher URL:

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Portable SmartGitOtherWindows 11, Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 8 64 bit, Windows 7 64 bit

User Rating: 4.2 (33 votes)

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Portable SmartGit 23.1.4 full description

SmartGit is an efficient user interface for Git, focussing on simplicity and targeting non-experts and people who prefer a graphical application over command line usage.

The current version of SmartGit supports those Git features which are required for the every-day work in software development projects, most notably:

* Virtually all local working tree operations
* Status, diff, log
* Push, pull, fetch (for all protocols)
* Tag and branch management
* Merge, cherry-pick, rebase
* Stash management
* Submodule support
* Basic Git-SVN support (to use SmartGit as SVN client)

Portable SmartGit 23.1.4 download tags

Portable SmartGit 23.1.4 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Fixed Bugs:
Changes view:
internal error trying to stage "left" block at first line
Unstage Selection: internal error for last block in unified diff view
Changes view/File Compare/...: parsing was broken if token ended with 32-bit char (e.g. "emoji")
Cherry-Pick/Squash Commits: possible internal error related to invalid Git commits
Fetch more: after unshallowing commits graph is not refreshed
Git-Flow, Init: failed in empty repository; now it creates initial empty commit if required
GitLab: possible error "Object 'sha' not found"
Init: may fail to create objects in case of file system problems
Investigate: initial switch from Blame to Diff view gives empty panel
Log Graph (and Commits view):
for email-only `.mailmap` lines, the original Author name was lost
for `.mailmap` lines containing `<>`, mapping was not applied
Rebase: some warning dialogs showed "Merge" instead of "Rebase" in title
possible internal error if `mailmap.file` contains an invalid path
possible error "The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file" for untracked-missing rename detection
Rename: was not applicable any more for submodules (regression since 22.1)
Remove: was not applicable any more for submodules (regression since 22.1)
Window | Reset Perspective: kept previous layout
Standard window:
possible internal error if a dialog occurs (e.g. master password dialog) while dragging a tab
internal error trying to modify toolbar with "Basic" feature set
Graph: internal error when toggling "Show Tags" before graph has been loaded
File Compare (and other editors): internal error undoing changes after having typed Chinese characters with Pinyin
possible error "Failed to invoke filter 'lfs'"
possible errors related to invalid HOME
Other Noteworthy Changes:
GitHub: improve error message if authentication fails due to outdated user
[ Portable SmartGit release history ]

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